IELTS Writing: Cách Tăng Band Điểm Cho Tiêu Chí Coherence And Cohesion Trong IELTS Writing Task 2

Trong số 4 tiêu chí của IELTS Writing Task 2, bao gồm Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resources, Grammar, và Task Achievement, IPP đánh giá Coherence and Cohesion là tiêu chí các bạn học viên khó nhận biết và cải thiện nhất. Hôm nay, IPP sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn cách cải thiện tính mạch lạc và liên kết trong bài nhé!

IELTS Writing: Cách Tăng Band Điểm Cho Tiêu Chí Coherence And Cohesion Trong IELTS Writing Task 2


Tiêu chí Coherence and Cohesion cho band điểm 7.0 được miêu tả như sau: 

  •  Information and ideas are logically organised, and there is a clear progression throughout the response. (A few lapses may occur, but these are minor.) => Thông tin được sắp xếp một cách logic, quan điểm của các bạn xuyên suốt cả bài
  • A range of cohesive devices including reference and substitution is used flexibly but with some inaccuracies or some over/under use. => Các từ nối được sử dụng một cách linh hoạt tuy nhiên sẽ có một số lỗi hoặc sử dụng quá nhiều từ nối
  • Paragraphing is generally used effectively to support overall coherence, and the sequencing of ideas within a paragraph is generally logical. => Cách chia đoạn hợp lý và giúp bài viết mạch lạc hơn, thứ tự các ý cũng được sắp xếp một cách logic

Vì vậy, để tăng band điểm Coherence and Cohesion, các bạn có thể tham khảo các cách sau: 

Cách 1: Viết bài theo hướng totally agree hoặc positive development và ngược lại. Việc chọn theo 1 phía 100% sẽ giúp bài viết mạch lạc hơn, các idea được diễn tả xuyên suốt và tránh trường hợp các ideas mâu thuẫn nhau. 

Cách 2: Sử dụng từ nối một cách đa dạng. Trong đó, bên cạnh việc dùng từ nối như “In addition, / moreover, …” để nối trên bề mặt, các bạn cũng có thể dùng this / such để nối với idea phía trước.

Ví dụ: In other words, by diversifying sources, supermarkets can maintain stable supplies of essential food items throughout the year, reducing the risk of shortages and price fluctuation. Such availability would greatly benefit consumers. 


In many countries nowadays, consumers can go to a supermarket and buy food produced all over the world. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

The globalization of food production and distribution has made it feasible for consumers to purchase food items originating from foreign countries. Despite its possible drawbacks to the environment, I am convinced that the availability of internationally-sourced food is more of a positive development.

First, the ability to find food from various parts of the world in local supermarkets has diversified people’s culinary experience. Gone are the days when consumers were restricted by geography and could only buy local produce, as now they can enjoy exotic fruits and vegetables, high-quality meat or fish, and various specialties from other nations. For instance, despite being non-native in Vietnam, fresh salmon from Iceland can be found easily in Aeon or Coopmart supermarkets, providing chances for Vietnamese people to experience such unfamiliar yet nutritious fish. This could satisfy people’s diverse tastes and broaden their culinary horizon. 

Second, the stock of imported food items can ensure food security and resilience against local environmental challenges and seasonal variations. Relying on international food sources can help to mitigate the adverse impacts of local crop failures or natural disasters. In other words, by diversifying sources, supermarkets can maintain stable supplies of essential food items throughout the year, reducing the risk of shortages and price fluctuation. Such availability would greatly benefit consumers. For instance, during winter months, British people can still enjoy fresh watermelon from warmer climates, avoiding the scarcity of food supply.

In conclusion, while there are concerns regarding the negative environmental impacts of transporting food worldwide, my belief is that the global availability of food in supermarkets is a positive development as it enhances culinary diversity and ensures food security. 


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