IELTS Writing: Cách Tăng Sự Liên Kết Trong Writing – Giải Đề Writing Task 2 Cambridge Mới Nhất

Khi viết bài IELTS Writing Task 2, hầu hết các bạn học viên thường đầu tư sử dụng từ vựng hay, ngữ pháp chuẩn & đa dạng nhưng chưa chú ý nhiều đến sự liên kết giữa các ý tưởng trong bài. Hôm nay IPP sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn cách tăng sự liên kết để tăng điểm Coherence and Cohesion trong bài nhé!

Cách Tăng Sự Liên Kết Trong Writing - Giải Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 Cambridge Mới Nhất


Có hai cách chính để tăng sự liên kết trong bài IELTS Writing task 2.

Cách 1: Thành lập các ý tưởng có sự liên kết chặt chẽ dựa theo chuỗi ý tưởng. 

Cách 2: Tăng tính liên kết dựa trên cách sử dụng ngôn ngữ trong bài. 

Hãy cùng IPP tìm hiểu kỹ từng cách nhé! 

Cách 1: Thành lập các ý tưởng có sự liên kết chặt chẽ dựa theo chuỗi ý tưởng. 

Ví dụ đề: “Some people believe that competition at work, at school and daily life is a good thing. Others believe that we should try to cooperate more, rather than competing against each other. Discuss both views and give your opinion.”

IPP tạo chuỗi lập luận như sau cho view 1: 

Chuỗi lập luận có sự liên kết bởi chuỗi giải quyết được câu hỏi hành động A sẽ dẫn đến kết quả nào // mang lại lợi ích gì: 

immense effort to compete against others => more motivation to explore capabilities and maximize potential // competition at workplaces for promotion => incentivize people to devote more to their work => be more productive and creative to outperform their colleagues => driving organizational growth // competition in the learning environment: drives students towards better academic achievement => gain recognition from their teachers and families => extend to a national level => country’s progress => continual improvement and innovation.

Cách 2: Tăng tính liên kết dựa trên cách sử dụng ngôn ngữ trong bài. 

Các bạn có thể dùng một số cách nối như sau: 

  • Dùng từ nối như similarly để chỉ việc compete cũng mang lại nhiều lợi ích ở trong môi trường học tập cũng như môi trường làm việc

Ví dụ: Similarly, competition in the learning environment drives students towards better academic achievement to gain recognition from their teachers and families.

  • Dùng this / that / these / those để nối 

Ví dụ:  This competitive spirit can extend to a national level, spurring a country’s progress as its citizens strive for continual improvement and innovation. 

  • Dùng such để nối: 

Ví dụ:  Such a supportive work environment not only enhances job satisfaction but also contributes to higher retention rate, helping companies to boost productivity and morale as a whole. 

  • Dùng mệnh đề quan hệ để nối 

Ví dụ: In educational settings, cooperation fosters students’ interpersonal skills, such as communication, active listening, and conflict resolution, which are critical for students’ future success in diverse social and professional environments.


Some people believe that competition at work, at school and daily life is a good thing. Others believe that we should try to cooperate more, rather than competing against each other. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 

There has been a heated debate whether competition should be encouraged at workplaces, at school, and even in daily situations or if cooperation should be favored more. This essay analyzes both views before my opinion is provided.    

On the one hand, it is reasonable for many people to believe that competition benefits individuals, companies, and society. When people make immense effort to compete against others, they have more motivation to explore their capabilities and maximize their potential. For instance, competition at workplaces for promotion can incentivize people to devote more to their work, as they have to be more productive and creative to outperform their colleagues, ultimately driving organizational growth. Similarly, competition in the learning environment drives students towards better academic achievement to gain recognition from their teachers and families. This competitive spirit can extend to a national level, spurring a country’s progress as its citizens strive for continual improvement and innovation. 

 On the other hand, opponents argue that cooperation would yield more effective outcomes than competing against each other. When employees coordinate during teamwork, they can leverage each other’s strengths and mitigate individual weaknesses, thus improving team cohesion. Such a supportive work environment not only enhances job satisfaction but also contributes to higher retention rate, helping companies to boost productivity and morale as a whole. In educational settings, cooperation fosters students’ interpersonal skills, such as communication, active listening, and conflict resolution, which are critical for students’ future success in diverse social and professional environments. In addition, collaboration in daily life is even more essential because it cultivates a deeper sense of community and contributes to a more harmonious society.   

In conclusion, although many people advocate competition due to the increased motivation to surpass one’s limits, I am convinced that cooperation would bring more significant and meaningful outcomes regarding team cohesion, soft skill development, and society development. By embracing cooperation, we can create environments that nurture mutual respect, collaboration, and sustained success across all facets of life.


Các bạn lưu lại bài viết để có thể tham khảo và học thật tốt IELTS Writing nhé! 

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