Giải đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 21/06/2023 – Dạng Discussion Essay – Free IELTS Writing Sample

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 21/06/2023 là đề bài dạng Discussion Essay với chủ đề Environment.

IPPEDU sẽ giúp bạn phân tích đề bài và đưa ra bài Sample Essay Band 8.0 để bạn nắm cách lên ý tưởng, diễn đạt chính xác ideas, viết câu có nghĩa, và bố cục một bài essay WT2 hiệu quả nhé!

Giải đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 21/06/2023 - Dạng Agree or Disagree - Free IELTS Writing Sample


1. Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 21/06/2023

Some people think that children should be taught at school to recycle materials and avoid waste. Other people believe that children should be taught this at home. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.


2. Lên ý tưởng và bố cục bài viết

  • Quan điểm người viết: ủng hộ quan điểm cả hai => mention ở phần conclusion sau khi đã discuss both views
  • Body par 01 – View 01: Lý do vì sao trẻ em nên được giáo dục về bảo vệ môi trường tại trường học
  • Body par 02 – View 02: Lý do vì sao trẻ em nên được giáo dục về bảo vệ môi trường ngay tại nhà


3. Từ vựng hữu ích

  • severity of environment degradation: mức độ nghiêm trọng của sự suy thoái môi trường
  • reach an alarming level: đạt đến mức đáng báo động
  • recycling: tái chế
  • avoiding wasteful behavior: tránh hành vi lãng phí
  • suitable environment: môi trường phù hợp
  • contentious matter: vấn đề gây tranh cãi
  • accountable for: chịu trách nhiệm về
  • comprehensive understanding: sự hiểu biết toàn diện
  • qualified workforce: lực lượng lao động có chất lượng
  • reliable source of material: nguồn tài liệu đáng tin cậy
  • heighten someone’s awareness: nâng cao ý thức của ai đó
  • foster youngsters’ habit: nuôi dưỡng thói quen cho những người trẻ


4. Bài mẫu – IELTS Sample Band 8.0+ cho đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 21/06/2023

It is a disturbing but irrefutable fact that the severity of environment degradation has reached an alarming level on a global scale. In this backdrop, many people assume that schools should educate students as to recycling and avoiding wasteful behaviors, whereas others deem family as the more suitable environment for this action. The following essay will elaborate on both viewpoints before expressing my personal perspective on this contentious matter.

On the one hand, it is justifiable to claim that school authorities should be accountable for teaching students about eco-friendly activities. Firstly, children can acquire comprehensive understanding of environment protection by virtue of the school’s qualified workforce and reliable sources of material. By imparting extensive knowledge and specific data regarding ecological issues, teachers can heighten their students’ awareness of such problems, thereby attuning them to the vital importance of recycling and waste avoidance. Secondly, incorporating environment-oriented actions into the school curriculum can also foster youngsters’ habit of protecting their surrounding. When applying practical knowledge of environment preservation as a benchmark of students’ performance evaluation, they would be propelled to regularly recycle and reduce ecologically harmful behaviors.

On the other hand, the belief that children should be educated on environment protection at home is also legitimate to a certain extent. Since the recycling process primarily occurs withing a domestic setting rather than an academic ones, parents are at a more important position to instruct their offspring how to recycle materials appropriately. For instance, in order to develop a regular recycling habit among the young, parents could teach them to categorize and reuse such frequently used items as plastic bags or water bottles. Another justification for family’s responsibility of stimulating children’s ecologically beneficial behaviors lies in the latter’s tendency to imitate their parents. Indeed, owing to parents’ close interaction and direct influence on their offspring, they act as role models of undertaking environmentally friendly actions for their children to follow.

On balance, advocates of both standpoints indisputably have valid arguments for their convictions. Personally, however, I am convinced that the onus is on both parents and school authorities to educate and orientate the young towards responsible recycling and waste avoiding for the sake of a sustainable future.


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