Giải đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 08/05/2023 – Dạng Two-Part Question

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 08/05/2023 là đề bài dạng Two-Part Question, với chủ đề Crime.

IPPEDU sẽ giúp bạn phân tích đề bài và đưa ra bài Sample Essay Band 8.0 để bạn nắm cách lên ý tưởng, diễn đạt chính xác ideas, viết câu có nghĩa, và bố cục một bài essay WT2 hiệu quả nhé!

Giải đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 08/05/2023 - Dạng Two-Part Question


1. Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 08/05/2023

​Many criminals re-offend after they have been punished. Why do some people continue to commit crimes after they have been punished, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?


2. Lên ý tưởng và bố cục bài viết

  • Body par 01 – Reasons: Nguyên nhân vì sao nhiều tội phạm sau khi đã chịu hình phạt vẫn tiếp tục phạm tội
  • Body par 02 – Solutions: Các biện pháp để khắc phục vấn đề này


3. Từ vựng hữu ích

  • Criminal (Tội phạm)
  • Prison sentence (Hình phạt tù)
  • Rehabilitation (Tái hòa nhập)
  • Reoffend (Tái phạm)
  • Correct moral behavior (Hành vi đạo đức đúng đắn)
  • Criminal intentions (ý định phạm tội)
  • Struggle financially (Gặp khó khăn tài chính)
  • Repeat offending (Tái phạm)
  • Reintegrate (Tái hòa nhập)
  • Supervision and checks (Giám sát và kiểm tra)
  • Deter from (Ngăn chặn)
  • Tackle (Xử lý)
  • Crime figures (Số liệu về tội phạm)


4. Bài mẫu – IELTS Sample Band 8.0+ cho đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 08/05/2023

A large number of criminals who serve their first prison sentence leave prison only to reoffend. This is mainly because of the lack of rehabilitation and difficulty finding regular employment once released, which can be tackled with several governmental interventions.

There are a number of reasons as to why criminals have a tendency to commit crimes again once they have been released from prison. Firstly, this is due to the lack of rehabilitation whilst in prison. In other words, offenders are not given a chance to retrain and learn new skills for their future or develop a deeper understanding of correct moral behavior and instead mix with other criminals, which only strengthens their criminal intentions. Secondly, repeat offending is also owing to the difficulty in finding employment after being released. As a result, many of them struggle financially which leads them back to crime, regardless of the consequences.

There are two effective solutions to the problem of repeat offenders. One way to tackle this is to ensure that all criminals entering prison are given the chance to retrain with useful skills which will hopefully ensure them a job after they have served their sentence. By doing this, it will help them reintegrate back into society and give them some means of supporting themselves financially. Another method of dealing with criminals who reoffend is to have more supervision and checks in place when they are back in society. This solution would hopefully prevent them from taking any chances and deter them from reoffending because they are being so closely watched.

In conclusion, having training in prison and also close observation when first time offenders are released are effective in dealing with the issue. If governments implemented these solutions, crime figures would soon drop.


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