Giải đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 18/04/2023 – Dạng Line Graph

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 18/04/2023 là đề bài dạng Line Graph, có tăng giảm. Bảng số liệu này so sánh sô lượng khách tham quan 4 bảo tàng quốc tế từ năm 1980 đến năm 2015. IPPEDU sẽ giúp bạn phân tích đề bài và đưa ra bài Sample Essay Band 8.0 để bạn nắm cách chọn lựa thông tin, viết câu chính xác, và bố cục một bài essay WT1 hiệu quả nhé!

Giải đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 18/04/2023 - Dạng Line Graph


1. Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 18/04/2023

The graph shows the number of visitors to four international museums between 1980 and 2015. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


2. Phân tích và chọn số liệu quan trọng


  • 1980: over 7,5 million people visited Louvre, // far exceeded the three other museums, at only below 5 million
  • Over the following 15 years: dramatic increases of around 1 and 2 million visitors to Louvre and Vatican museums respectively // Shenzhen and London Science Museums declined remarkably, with about 3 million visitors each


  • By 2015: Louvre the most popular // rising substantially to reach a peak of nearly 10 million visitors // closely followed by Vatican Museums (roughly 9 million) // Shenzhen and London Science Museums relatively unpromising // less than 4 million people in 2015


3. Bố cục bài viết 

Introduction (paraphrase đề bài) & Overview (nêu xu hướng chính & những đặc điểm nổi bật – main features của bài):

  • (overview for trend) Louvre và Vatican Museums tăng // London Science giảm
  • (overview for comparison) Louvre luôn được tham quan nhiều nhất

Body paragraph 01 (số lượng khách tham quan giai đoạn 1980-1995)

Body paragraph 02 (số lượng khách tham quan giai đoạn 1995-2015)


4. Bài mẫu – IELTS Sample Band 8.0+ cho đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 18/04/2023

The line chart tracks the changes in the quantity of people visiting four international museums from 1980 to 2015. In general, while an upward trend was registered in the number of visitors to Louvre and Vatican Museums, the reverse was true for Shenzhen and London Science ones. Furthermore, Louvre was consistently the most visited world-known museum during the surveyed period.

In 1980, over 7,5 million people visited Louvre, which far exceeded the figures for the three other museums, at only below 5 million. Over the following 15 years, dramatic increases of around 1 and 2 million people were recorded in the quantity of visitors to Louvre and Vatican museums respectively, whereas the popularity of Shenzhen and London Science Museums declined remarkably, with about 3 million visitors each.

By 2015, Louvre remained the most popular museum globally, with its figure rising substantially to reach a peak of nearly 10 million visitors, closely followed by that of Vatican Museums (roughly 9 million). Meanwhile, the number of visitors to Shenzhen and London Science Museums seemed relatively unpromising, attracting merely less than 4 million people in the final year of the period. 


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