Giải đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 02/04/2023​​ – Dạng Bar Chart

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 02/04/2023​​ là đề bài dạng bar chart, có sự so sánh. Bảng số liệu này so sánh số tiền được năm tổ chức chi cho bốn hạng mục khác nhau trong khoảng thời gian 5 năm. IPPEDU sẽ giúp bạn phân tích đề bài và đưa ra bài Sample Essay Band 8.0 để bạn nắm cách chọn lựa thông tin, viết câu chính xác, và bố cục một bài essay WT1 hiệu quả nhé!

Giải đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 02/04/2023​​ - Dạng Bar Chart


1. Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 02/04/2023​​​​ 

The chart below shows the amount of money in euros (€) spent on four different categories by five organizations over a five-year period.

Amount of money (€ billion) spent on four different categories by five organizations over a five-year period


2. Từ vựng hữu ích cho đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 02/04/2023​​​​

Useful vocabulary about expenditures

  • outlays // varied / different spending patterns
  • allocate XX to [sth] / allocate the largest budget
  • the largest spender
  • spent twice as much on [sth] as on [sh]

Các subjects để viết bài:

  • [tên organization] + verb: spent / allocated / disbursed
  • The budget for [khoảng chi tiêu]
  • The largest / smallest amounts disbursed across [công ty] were for [khoản chi tiêu]


3. Bố cục bài viết 

Introduction (paraphrase đề bài) & Overview (nêu xu hướng chính & những đặc điểm nổi bật – main features của bài):

  • (overview for comparison) cả năm organization đều có kiểu chi tiêu rất khác nhau // organization B chi nhiều nhất ở tất cả các hạng mục, ngoại trừ máy móc // organization C chi tiêu nhiều nhất cho máy móc

Body paragraph 01 (chi tiêu cho building và machinery)

Body paragraph 02 (chi tiêu cho staff training và research)


4. Bài mẫu – IELTS Sample Band 8.0+ cho đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 02/04/2023

The bar chart compares the outlays, measured in billions of Euros, of five different organizations divided into four categories over a five-year period. Overall, all five organizations had largely varied spending patterns. It can be seen that organization B allocated the largest budget across all areas, except for machinery, where organization C was the largest spender.

Regarding spending on building and machinery, over the five-year timescale, organization B spent more than twice as much on the former as on the latter, at about €1.9 billion and €0.9 billion respectively. Organization A spent more on building than on machinery, at about €1.3 and €1 billion respectively, as opposed to a reverse pattern for organization C, whereas the budgets allocated by Organization D and E ranged between €0.8 and €1 billion.

In terms of the remaining categories, the largest amounts disbursed across organization B were for staff training and research, at about €1.9 and 1.6 billion. Organization A, D, and E allocated €1.2, €0.7, and about €0.9 billion to staff training, all of which was about €0.1 billion higher than their budget for research, while organization C was the only one to pay more for research than employee training, at about €1.3 and 0.8 billion in order.


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