Chủ đề: Relationship/Family – Từ vựng IETLS Vocabulary

Chủ đề Relationship/Family (Các mối quan hệ xã hội & Gia đình) được hỏi khá nhiều trong IELTS WRITING & SPEAKING. Việc học từ vựng, bao gồm các cụm collocation, vocabulary phrases cho chủ đề này sẽ giúp các bạn giải quyết hiệu quả những câu hỏi về quốc gia và truyền thống, cũng như mở rộng khi nói về các khía cạnh con người, xã hội. 

Chủ đề: Relationships - Từ vựng IETLS Vocabulary

1. Các câu hỏi IELTS Writing Task 2 thường gặp trong chủ đề Relationship/Family

Sub-topic 01: Family’s Roles & Structure

  1. In recent years, the family structure has changed, as well as family roles. What are the changes that have occurred? Do you think these changes are positive and negative?
  2. As countries develop, their populations tend to live individually or in small family units. What are the causes of this trend and what are the effects on society?
  3. Some people think family has the most powerful influence on children’s development. Others, however, believe that other things have greater effect. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
  4. Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better prepared with the problems of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  5. In some parts of the world, it is becoming popular to research the history of one’s own family. Why might people want to do this? Is it a positive or negative development?
  6. These days more fathers stay at home and take care of their children while mothers go out to work. What could be the reasons for this? Do you think it is a positive or a negative development?

Sub-topic 02: Family Bonds & Connections

  1. These days, many people leave their country to work abroad and take their family with them. Do you think benefits of this outweigh disadvantages in terms of family development? = The nuclear family is well-adapted to move geographically due to its size. Do you think children benefit in any way from moving? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
  2. It is better for students at university to live far away from home than to live at home with their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  3. Nowadays, families are not as close as in the past and a lot of people have become used to this. Why is this happening? Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the drawbacks?
  4. In many countries, the tradition of families eating together is disappearing? Why is this? What are the effects of it to families and society?

Sub-topic 03: Parents & Children

  1. As parents, they should be required to attend parenting courses every year to bring up their children well and give them a better environment for growth. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  2. Caring for children is important in any society. All parents should be required to take childcare courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  3. Nowadays, parents put too much pressure on their children to succeed. What are the reasons for doing this? I this a positive or a negative development?
  4. In many modern socieites, grandchildren rarely spend any quality time with their grandparents. Why? What do you think are the consequences of this?
  5. Some people think that the role of parents to discipline their children and teach them about right and wrong. Other people consider that the main responsbility of parents is to nuture their children and provide them with a safe environment to grow up. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  6. In many Western countries, there is an increasing number of couples choosing to have no children. What are the advantages and disadvantages to couples having no children?
  7. Many parents encourage young people to leave home when they become older, while others think they should stay at home with the family. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
  8. Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What are the reasons? What are the effects on society and family life?


2. Học từ vựng cần thiết mà có thể dùng cho mọi đề IELTS chủ đề Relationship/Family

Dù các câu hỏi về Relationship/Family tương đối rộng, các cụm từ vựng mà bạn có thể dùng cho mọi chủ đề có thể là:

  • strengthen their personal relationships = foster positive family bonds (nuôi dưỡng mối qaun hệ gia đình tốt đẹp) 
  • caretakers & breadwinners (người chăm sóc trẻ & người trụ cột gia đình) 
  • assume childcare responsibilities (lãnh trách nhiệm chăm sóc trẻ em) 
  • interchangeable parental responsibilities (vai trò giữa bố mẹ có thể hoán đổi)
  • nurture a sense of belonging (phát triển tinh thần cộng đồng) 
  • establish our unique and authentic core identity (xác định bản sắc văn hoá độc đáo) 
  • movements towards gender equality (thay đổi hướng về bình đẳng giới) 
  • foster positive relationships (nuôi dưỡng quan hệ tốt đẹp) 
  • parental negligence (sợ thờ ơ của bố mẹ) 
  • seek attention elsewhere (tìm kiếm sự quan tâm nơi khác)
  • parental support (sự hỗ trợ của bố mẹ) 

[the role of the mother and the father]

  • different maternal and paternal roles (vai trò khác nhau của bố mẹ) => tradition to determine different maternal and paternal roles
  • male superiority (người bố nắm quyền) => fathers to be assigned the role of breadwinner (người bố là trụ cột gia đình)
  • to be the primary earner (người kiếm tiền) >< women to become housewives (người phụ nữ làm nội trợ)
  • share their household duties (chia sẻ việc nhà)

[gender movements]

  • socioeconomic progress (sự phát triển kinh tế – xã hội) and equality movements (xu hướng bình đẳng)
  • mothers to pursue their own careers (người mẹ phát triển sự nghiệp riêng mình)
  • become an equal or primary earner (trở thành trụ cột thứ 2 của gia đình) => be free to choose their role in the home (bố và mẹ tự chọn vai trò của mình trong gia đình) 

[individuals living alone or in small-sized families]

  • benefit from more privacy and freedom (tận hưởng đời sống riêng tư và tự do) to enjoy their own pursuits (tha hồ theo đuổi sở thích) 

[reduced family connections]

  • busy lifestyles (cuộc sống bận rộng)
  • the materialistic and consumer driven cultures (văn hoá tiêu xài và chủ nghĩa vật chất) → less value to be placed on family relationships (ít chú trọng đến quan hệ trong gia đình)


  • pursue their own dreams and aspirations (theo đuổi hoài bão cá nhân)
  • focus on improving their own lifestyle (chú trọng vào lối sống cá nhân)


  • emotional insecurity (bất ổn tình cảm)
  • felling lost (cảm giác lạc lối)
  • a rise in mental health problems (tăng vấn đề sức khoẻ)
  • a fragmented family (gia đình tan rã)
  • a disjointed society (xã hội phân rã)


3. Đoạn văn mẫu cho chủ đề IELTS: Relationship/Family

TOPIC: In recent years, the family structure has changed, as well as family roles. What are the changes that have occurred? Do you think these changes are positive and negative?


Some of the main changes will be identified, before an evaluation on whether this is a positive or negative trend is made.


A few drastic changes could be observed in families today. [changes in the family structure] The most obvious one is the decreased size of an average family in society. In Vietnam, for example, a majority of extended families of three generations or more living under the same roof have been transformed into nuclear families with only parents and children or single-occupant households. [changes in the roles of family members] In addition, there is also a significant change in terms of the roles of the father and the mother in a family. The responsibility of males as the sole breadwinner of the family has now been shared with their partners, and now women have equal working opportunities compared with their male counterparts. Accordingly, household duties are also shared equally between the two sexes.


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