Library là một chủ đề khá phổ biến trong IELTS Speaking! Trong bài viết này, IPPEdu sẽ cung cấp Sample và từ vựng cho IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Chủ đề: Library nhé!

Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Chủ đề: Library

Topic: Describe a library that you visited

You should say:

  • Where the library was
  • What facilities it had
  • Why you went there

And explain whether you found the library useful or not.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample

Today, I’d like to introduce you to the ‘Heritage Library’ in the charming town of Hoi An, situated in the heart of Vietnam.
The ‘Heritage Library’ boasts a storied past, dating back to its inauguration in 1960. Over the decades, it has evolved into a cherished cultural landmark within ‘Hoi An.’ While it may not be as renowned as national libraries, it holds an esteemed place in the hearts of ‘Hoi An’ residents.

One of the library’s crowning jewels is its architectural grandeur, adorned with ornate Vietnamese motifs. Upon entering, you’re immediately embraced by a serene courtyard, resplendent with indigenous flora, creating an oasis of calm amidst the town’s hustle and bustle.

During my recent visit, I was captivated by the library’s unparalleled collection of antiquities and historical archives. Notably, a manuscript from the ‘Lê Dynasty’ era and a meticulously preserved map from the ‘Nguyễn Dynasty’ era, both bearing insights into the region’s rich heritage.

My motivation to explore the ‘Heritage Library’ stemmed from a deep desire to unearth ‘Hoi An’s’ history. Despite residing here for years, I had scarcely scratched the surface of its cultural tapestry. The library served as my gateway to reconnecting with my roots and delving deeper into the town’s historical narrative.

Regarding utility, the ‘Heritage Library’ surpassed my expectations. Its archives not only informed but also ignited a profound appreciation for the town’s legacy. It kindled my curiosity in local history, leaving me with newfound respect for ‘Hoi An’s’ cultural mosaic. Furthermore, the library provided a hushed sanctuary for intellectual pursuits and introspection, rendering it an idyllic venue for both scholarly endeavors and personal enlightenment.

In summary, my visit to the ‘Heritage Library’ in ‘Hoi An’ was an enriching journey. It showcased the splendor of Vietnamese heritage while affording a tranquil haven for knowledge acquisition and soulful reflection.

Từ vựng hữu ích

  • A storied past: Quá khứ lẫy lừng
  • Inauguration: Lễ khánh thành
  • A cherished cultural landmark: Một biểu tượng văn hóa quý báu
  • Architectural grandeur: Phong cách kiến trúc tuyệt vời
  • Ornate Vietnamese motifs: Hoa văn Việt Nam tinh xảo
  • A serene courtyard: Một khuôn viên thanh bình
  • An oasis of calm: Ốc đảo yên ả giữa bão táp
  • Hustle and bustle: Sự hối hả, náo nhiệt
  • Unparalleled collection of antiquities and historical archives: Bộ sưu tập đồ cổ và hồi ký lịch sử không tì vết
  • A manuscript: Một bản thảo viết tay
  • Cultural tapestry: Nền văn hóa đa dạng
  • Gateway to reconnecting: Cánh cổng tái kết nối
  • Historical narrative: Sử thi, bức tranh lịch sử
  • Legacy: Di sản lịch sử
  • Cultural mosaic: Quan cảnh văn hóa
  • Hushed sanctuary: Thánh địa yên tĩnh
  • A tranquil haven: Một thiên đàng yên tĩnh
  • Knowledge acquisition: Sưu tầm tri thức
  • Soulful reflection: Suy tư nội tâm
  • Situated in the heart of: Nằm giữa trái tim của
  • Evolved into [sth]: Phát triển thành
  • Holds an esteemed place: Giữ một vị trí quý báu
  • A crowning jewels: Viên ngọc quý, điểm đặc sắc
  • Be adorned with [sth]: Trang hoàng bằng vật gì đó
  • Stem from: Bắt nguồn từ
  • A deep desire to [do sth]: Một khát vọng bùng cháy để thực hiện 1 điều
  • Scratch the surface of [sth]: Tìm hiểu được lớp bề mặt của vấn đề
  • Surpassed my expectations: Vượt xa kỳ vọng của tôi
  • Kindled my curiosity: Thổi bùng sự tò mò của tôi

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