Describe something you would like to learn in the future – IELTS Speaking Part 2&3

Câu hỏi Describe something you would like to learn in the future nằm trong IELTS Speaking Part 2 cùng với chủ đề Learning nằm trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 – là đề bài thường xuất hiện trong IELTS Speaking. Đây không phải là một chủ đề quá khó, tuy nhiên, để trả lời tốt chủ đề này, các bạn cần nắm rõ các từ vựng, cách phát triển ý tưởng sâu rộng và chính xác. Trong bài viết này, IPPEDU sẽ cung cấp cho các bạn bài mẫu, vocabulary, và chiến thuật trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3 cho chủ đề Describe something you would like to learn in the future nhé!

Describe something you would like to learn in the future


1. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample & Ideas: Describe something you would like to learn in the future 

TOPIC: Describe something you would like to learn in the future.

You should say: 

  • what it is 
  • how you would like to learn it 
  • why you would like to learn it 

and explain whether it’s difficult to learn it.


[intro] Today, I want to talk about something that I would like to learn in the future. It’s a skill that I have always been interested in, but have never had the opportunity to pursue.

The skill in question is learning a new language. I have always been fascinated by the idea of being able to communicate with people from different cultures and backgrounds, and I believe that learning a new language is the key to unlocking that ability.

[how] It’s like the saying goes, “the more languages you know, the more you are human.” Learning a new language not only expands your communication abilities, but it also broadens your understanding of the world around you.

I also believe that learning a new language is a valuable investment in myself. As the old adage goes, “knowledge is power,” and learning a new language is a powerful tool for personal growth and development.

[feeling] In conclusion, learning a new language is something that I am really looking forward to in the future. It’s a challenge that I am excited to take on, and I know that the rewards will be worth the effort. As the saying goes, “nothing ventured, nothing gained,” and I am ready to venture into the world of language learning.


2. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Vocabulary Highlights: Describe something you would like to learn in the future 

  • opportunity to pursue: cơ hội để theo đuổi
  • “the more languages you know, the more you are human”: càng biết nhiều ngôn ngữ, bạn càng là một con người đa chiều
  • expands your communication abilities: mở rộng khả năng giao tiếp
  • broadens your understanding: mở rộng sự hiểu biết
  • a valuable investment: một khoản đầu tư có giá trị
  • personal growth and development: sự phát triển và trưởng thành cá nhân
  • “nothing ventured, nothing gained”: mạo hiểm để thành công
  • venture into the world of language learning: mạo hiểm khám phá thế giới ngôn ngữ

Describe something you would like to learn in the future


3. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions: Learning

Chủ đề Learning trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 yêu cầu bạn phát triển ý kiến của mình và giải thích một cách rõ ràng. Hãy mở đầu bằng việc giới thiệu (lead-in), sau đó chia sẻ quan điểm cá nhân và tiếp theo là giải thích và đưa ra lý do (explanation). Bằng cách phát triển câu trả lời và giải thích một cách rõ ràng, bạn sẽ tự tin trình bày và ghi điểm cao trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 với chủ đề Learning.

Part 3 – Learning

  1. What’s the most popular thing to learn nowadays? 
  2. At what age should children start making their own decisions? Why?
  3. Which influences young people more when choosing a course, income or interest?
  4. Do young people take their parents’ advice when choosing a major? 
  5. Besides parents, who else would people take advice from? 
  6. Why do some people prefer to study alone? 


4. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample & Ideas: Learning


1. What’s the most popular thing to learn nowadays?

In my view, the most popular thing to learn nowadays varies widely depending on individual interests and priorities. However, with the increasing prevalence of technology and the internet, many people are focusing on developing digital skills such as coding, web development, and digital marketing. As the saying goes, “knowledge is power,” and acquiring new skills and knowledge can help individuals to stay competitive and adapt to changing trends and demands in the job market. Ultimately, the most popular thing to learn will depend on individual needs and goals, but digital skills are certainly in high demand in today’s rapidly evolving world.

  • prevalence of technology and the internet: sự phổ biến của công nghệ và internet
  • adapt to changing trends: thích ứng với các xu hướng

2. At what age should children start making their own decisions? Why?

In my opinion, the age at which children should start making their own decisions depends on a variety of factors, including their individual maturity level and the nature of the decisions in question. While children should be encouraged to develop decision-making skills from a young age, it is important for parents and caregivers to provide guidance and support in navigating complex or high-stakes decisions. As the saying goes, “with great power comes great responsibility,” and children should be given increasing autonomy and decision-making power as they demonstrate the ability to handle it responsibly. Ultimately, the goal should be to empower children to make informed and responsible decisions as they grow and develop.

  • making their own decisions: tự đưa ra quyết định
  • high-stakes decisions: quyết định có tính chất quyết định số phận

3. Which influences young people more when choosing a course, income or interest?

From my perspective, young people are often influenced by a combination of income and interest when choosing a course of study. While financial considerations such as potential earnings and job prospects are certainly important, it is also important for young people to pursue courses of study that align with their interests, passions, and goals. As the saying goes, “follow your heart,” and choosing a course of study based solely on income potential may not lead to long-term fulfillment or success. Ultimately, the best course of action is to strike a balance between income and interest, and pursue a course of study that offers both financial stability and personal satisfaction.

  • financial considerations: cân nhắc tài chính
  • “follow your heart”: nghe theo trái tim mách bảo
  • strike a balance: thiết lập sự cân bằng

4. Do young people take their parents’ advice when choosing a major?

In my experience, young people often consider their parents’ advice when choosing a major, but ultimately make their own decisions based on their individual interests, passions, and goals. While parents can provide valuable guidance and support, it is important for young people to pursue courses of study that align with their own values and aspirations. As the saying goes, “to thine own self be true,” and choosing a major based solely on parental advice may not lead to genuine fulfillment or success. Ultimately, the decision-making process should involve a balance of input and guidance from parents, educators, and other trusted advisors, while also valuing and following one’s own instincts and passions.

  • align with their own values and aspirations: phù hợp với giá trị và khát vọng
  • “to thine own self be true”: hành động đúng, nghe theo bản thân

5. Besides parents, who else would people take advice from?

In my view, people may seek advice from a variety of sources when making important decisions about their education and career paths. Some may turn to guidance counselors, teachers, or mentors for advice and support, while others may seek input from peers or online communities. As the saying goes, “two heads are better than one,” and gathering input from a range of perspectives can help to inform and enrich the decision-making process. Ultimately, the key is to seek advice and guidance from sources that are trusted, knowledgeable, and aligned with one’s values and goals.

  • guidance counselors: cố vấn học đường
  • “two heads are better than one”: hai người cùng làm việc sẽ tốt hơn một người

6. Why do some people prefer to study alone?

In my opinion, some people prefer to study alone because it allows them to focus and concentrate without distractions or interruptions. Studying alone can also enable individuals to work at their own pace and in their own way, without the pressures or constraints of group dynamics. As the saying goes, “to each their own,” and different learning styles and preferences require different approaches. Ultimately, the key is to find the study methods that work best for each individual, whether that involves studying alone or in a group.

  • distractions or interruptions: sự phân tâm hoặc gián đoạn
  • work at their own pace: làm việc theo tốc độ riêng
  • group dynamics: động lực nhóm


Trên đây là Sample & Vocabulary về chủ đề Describe something you would like to learn in the future thuộc phần IELTS Speaking.

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