Describe something you bought but was difficult to use at first – Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2

Miêu tả đồ vật (Ví dụ: Describe something you bought) là một trong những chủ đề phổ biến nhất trong IELTS Speaking Part 2. Để đạt điểm cao phần này, ngoài việc ưu tiên chọn những đồ vật gần gũi nhất và dễ mô tả thì yếu tố còn lại thuộc về phong thái nói : tự tin, trôi chảy và lưu loát.

Là một kỹ năng “dễ luyện” nhưng lại khó ăn trọn điểm, Speaking IELTS, mà đặc biệt là Part 2 luôn là một thử thách đối với các sĩ tử mong muốn đạt band cao trong bài thi IELTS của mình.

Hãy cùng xem mentor tại IPPEdu đã “xử” dạng đề “Describe something you bought” này như thế nào để đạt được band 7.0 nhé!

Đề bài: Describe something you bought but was difficult to use at first

Describe something you bought but was difficult to use at first - Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2

Describe something you bought but was difficult to use at first – Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2

1. What should you say for “Describe something you bought but was difficult to use at first”?

  • What was it?
  • When did you use it?
  • Why was it difficult for you?
  • How was your feeling?

2. Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 “Describe something you bought but was difficult to use at first”.

Two years ago, my HP laptop which I had been using for more than five years suddenly broke down during my final exam period. With my savings and help from my parents, I decided to purchase a MacBook Pro because of the rave reviews on multifarious trusted websites.

Like other laptops, this one has assisted me in my schoolwork and helped me wind down after long hours of arduous assignments. As a long-time, user of iPhone and iPad since day one, I could not wait to use this device since I wanted to fully experience all of Apple’s products. However, the transition from a Windows-based device to an iOS one caused me some difficulties at first. To begin with, the user interface, including the keyboard and taskbar, is almost completely different from the HP laptop, which made me perplexed about how to use this laptop smoothly and efficiently. Additionally, it sometimes shut down when I was using it for no reason at all.

It seemed as if this MacBook would always go against my will, which frustrated me greatly to the point that I wanted to sell it. Therefore, my initial user experience with my MacBook was quite awful. But the situation got much better because I read the user manual carefully and familiarized myself with the various functions of my MacBook. Now, all of my Apple devices are beautifully synced together, which gives me great comfort in working anywhere anytime.

3. New vocab in sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 “Describe something you bought but was difficult to use at first”.

New words Meaning
Synce (v)

⇒ (informal) synchronize

to (cause to) happen at the same time
Rave (adj) admiring and giving a lot of praise Multifarious (adj)
Arduous (adj) difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy
Transition (n) a change from one form or type to another
Cause somebody something to make something happen, especially something bad or unpleasant
User interface (noun phrase) the series of screens, pages, and visual elements- like buttons and icons that enable a person to interact with a product or service
Perplexed (adj) causing somebody to feel very confused about something
Go against one’s will contrary to a person’s choice or desire in a particular situation
User experience (noun phrase) the internal experience that a person has as they interact with every aspect of a company’s products and services


Đừng quên luyện tập nói và học từ vựng mới sau mỗi bài Sample Ielts Speaking Part 2, để có thể chinh chiến với các dạng đề “Describe something you bought…” nhé! IPPEdu chúc bạn học luyện thi hiệu quả và chinh phục được band điểm cao trong bài thi Ielts Speaking Part 2. Đây là phương pháp duy nhất để nâng cấp vốn từ vựng và trình độ Speaking của các bạn mỗi ngày đấy!


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