Describe an unusual meal you had – IELTS Speaking Part 2&3

Câu hỏi Describe an unusual meal you had nằm trong IELTS Speaking Part 2 cùng với chủ đề Meals & Dining nằm trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 – là đề bài thường xuất hiện trong IELTS Speaking. Đây không phải là một chủ đề quá khó, tuy nhiên, để trả lời tốt chủ đề này, các bạn cần nắm rõ các từ vựng, cách phát triển ý tưởng sâu rộng và chính xác.

Trong bài viết này, IPPEDU sẽ cung cấp cho các bạn bài mẫu, vocabulary, và chiến thuật trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3 cho chủ đề Describe an unusual meal you had nhé!

Describe an unusual meal you had

1. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample & Ideas: Describe an unusual meal you had

TOPIC: Describe an unusual meal you had.

You should say: 

  • when you had it 
  • where you had it 
  • whom you had it with 

and explain why it was unusual.


[what] I would like to share with you an experience I had with an unusual meal. It was a meal that I will never forget, not just because of the food, but because of the entire experience.

[how] I was traveling in a foreign country and decided to try the local cuisine. I went to a small restaurant and ordered a dish that caught my eye on the menu. When the food arrived, I was surprised by what I saw.

The dish was made up of a combination of meats that I had never tried before, and it was served with a side of fermented vegetables. The flavors were unlike anything I had ever tasted, and it was difficult to describe them. It was a true “melting pot” of flavors, and each bite was a new adventure.

As I enjoyed this unusual meal, I realized that sometimes, it’s important to step out of our comfort zones and try new things. It’s like the saying goes, “variety is the spice of life,” and this meal was certainly a spicy one!

[feeling] In conclusion, this unusual meal was not only memorable, but it also taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of being open-minded and willing to try new things. As the famous idiom goes, “you never know until you try,” and I’m glad I took a chance on this unique culinary experience.

2. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Vocabulary Highlights: Describe an unusual meal you had

  • unusual meal: bữa ăn khác lạ
  • caught my eye: thu hút sự chú ý
  • made up of a combination of meats: gồm sự kết hợp của các loại thịt
  • side of fermented vegetables: kèm theo rau củ lên men
  • melting pot“: nồi thập cẩm pha trộn
  • step out of our comfort zones: bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn 
  • “variety is the spice of life”: đa dạng là hương vị của cuộc sống => muốn cuộc sống thú vị, tươi mới thì hãy trải nghiệm, thay đổi
  • unique culinary experience: trải nghiệm ẩm thực độc đáo

Describe an unusual meal you had

3. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions: Meals & Dining

Chủ đề Meals & Dining trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 yêu cầu bạn phát triển ý kiến của mình và giải thích một cách rõ ràng. Hãy mở đầu bằng việc giới thiệu (lead-in), sau đó chia sẻ quan điểm cá nhân và tiếp theo là giải thích và đưa ra lý do (explanation). Bằng cách phát triển câu trả lời và giải thích một cách rõ ràng, bạn sẽ tự tin trình bày và ghi điểm cao trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 với chủ đề Meals & Dining.

Part 3 – Meals & Dining

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in restaurants?
  2. Do you think having dinner at home is a good idea? 
  3. Do young people like to spend time with their families or friends?
  4. What do you think are the benefits of having dinner together?
  5. Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians?
  6. Is the food that people eat today different to the food that people used to eat in the past?
  7. Do you think people are less willing to cook meals by themselves these days, compared to the past?


4. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample & Ideas: Meals & Dining


1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in restaurants?

[advantages] A hassle-free dining experience //  enjoy a meal without having to worry about cooking, cleaning, or grocery shopping // a wide range of menu options // catering to different tastes and dietary preferences // socialize and enjoy meals with friends, family, or colleagues // an opportunity to bond, celebrate special occasions, and create memorable experiences // professional chefs who prepare meals with expertise, ensuring high-quality dishes that may be difficult to replicate at home.

[disadvantages] Dining out can be more expensive compared to cooking meals at home // take into consideration the price of the food, service charges, and additional expenses (beverages, desserts…) //  lack of control over ingredients, nutritional values and cooking methods // have specific dietary restrictions or preferences that cannot be easily accommodated in restaurants.

  • a hassle-free dining experience: trải nghiệm bữa ăn đơn giản
  • lack of control over ingredients: thiếu kiểm soát về thành phần nguyên liệu
  • nutritional values: giá trị dinh dưỡng

2. Do you think having dinner at home is a good idea?

[explain] Having dinner at home offers several benefits, both in terms of health and personal connections. Firstly, cooking and eating at home allows individuals to have control over the ingredients used in their meals. This enables them to make healthier choices, incorporate fresh and nutritious ingredients, and tailor meals to specific dietary needs or preferences.

Furthermore, cooking and dining at home provides an opportunity for individuals to enhance their culinary skills and creativity. It allows them to experiment with recipes, flavors, and cooking techniques, leading to a greater appreciation for food and a sense of accomplishment.

Additionally, having dinner at home fosters stronger family bonds and promotes communication. It provides a chance for family members to gather, share their experiences, and engage in meaningful conversations. Eating together at home encourages a sense of belonging and creates cherished memories.

Moreover, having dinner at home can be more cost-effective compared to dining out. It eliminates the expenses associated with restaurant meals, such as service charges or tips, and allows individuals to stretch their food budget while still enjoying a satisfying meal.

[extend] While having dinner at home has numerous advantages, it is important to acknowledge that there are times when dining out or ordering takeout can be convenient and enjoyable. Balancing home-cooked meals with occasional dining out can provide a well-rounded dining experience.

  • control over the ingredients: kiểm soát về thành phần nguyên liệu
  • culinary skills: kỹ năng nấu ăn
  • stretch their food budget: dãn ngân sách thực phẩm

3. Do young people like to spend time with their families or friends?

[explain] The preferences of young people regarding spending time with their families or friends can be influenced by various factors, such as their personal relationships, individual interests, and stage of life. While some young people may prioritize spending time with friends, others may cherish and enjoy quality time with their families.

Young people often value social interactions and the opportunity to explore their identities through friendships. Friends provide companionship, support, and shared experiences that contribute to personal growth and well-being. Engaging in activities with friends can also offer a sense of independence and freedom.

However, family connections remain significant for many young people. Family provides a sense of security, emotional support, and a foundation of values. Spending time with family members allows for bonding, sharing traditions, and creating lasting memories. Family gatherings and activities can foster a sense of belonging and strengthen the familial bond.

[extend] It is important to note that the preferences of young people regarding spending time with their families or friends can vary greatly depending on individual circumstances and personal dynamics. Some young people may find a balance between spending time with both their families and friends, recognizing the unique benefits that each relationship offers. Ultimately, the ideal balance depends on the individual’s needs, priorities, and the quality of relationships with both family and friends.

  • stage of life: giai đoạn của cuộc đời
  • opportunity to explore their identities: cơ hội khám phá bản sắc
  • cherish and enjoy quality time: trân trọng và thưởng thức thời gian chất lượng
  • strengthen the familial bond: củng cố mối quan hệ trong gia đình

4. What do you think are the benefits of having dinner together?

As someone who values the importance of family and community, I believe that having dinner together is a worthwhile and beneficial activity. Not only does it provide an opportunity to share a meal and conversation, but it also fosters a sense of connection and belonging. As the saying goes, “the more, the merrier,” and I believe that sharing a meal with loved ones can bring joy and happiness to our lives. Additionally, research has shown that eating together as a family can have positive effects on mental health and family relationships. In conclusion, I believe that the benefits of having dinner together are numerous and worthwhile, and I highly encourage everyone to make time for this important activity.

  • the more, the merrier: càng đông càng vui

5. Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians?

As someone who has chosen to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle, I believe there are many reasons why people make this decision. For some, it is a matter of ethical and moral values, as they believe in the rights of animals to be treated with respect and compassion. For others, it is a health-conscious choice, as a vegetarian diet can offer a range of health benefits such as lower risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

As the saying goes, “you are what you eat,” and many people choose to be vegetarians in order to maintain a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. In conclusion, there are many reasons why people choose to be vegetarians, and ultimately, it is a personal choice that should be respected and celebrated.

  • a vegetarian lifestyle: lối sống chay
  • the rights of animals: quyền động vật
  • a health-conscious choice: lựa chọn cẩn trọng vào sức khỏe

6. Is the food that people eat today different to the food that people used to eat in the past?

As someone who is interested in history and culture, I believe that the food that people eat today is vastly different from the food that people ate in the past. Due to advances in technology and transportation, we now have access to a wider variety of foods from all around the world. Additionally, our modern food systems prioritize efficiency and convenience over traditional methods of food preparation and preservation. As the saying goes, “times have changed,” and our diets have evolved to reflect the changing times and tastes.

However, it is important to remember the value of traditional foods and to preserve cultural food practices for future generations. In conclusion, while the food that people eat today may be different from the past, it is important to appreciate the value of both modern and traditional food practices.

7. Do you think people are less willing to cook meals by themselves these days, compared to the past?

As someone who enjoys cooking and experimenting with new recipes, I believe that people are becoming less willing to cook meals by themselves these days. With the rise of convenience foods and fast food culture, many people opt for quick and easy meals rather than taking the time to prepare a home-cooked meal. As the saying goes, “time is money,” and people’s busy lifestyles often leave little time for cooking.

However, I believe that there is still value in cooking meals from scratch, both in terms of health and enjoyment. In conclusion, while the trend towards convenience foods may be on the rise, I hope that people will continue to appreciate the value of home-cooked meals and the joy that comes with preparing food for ourselves and our loved ones.

  • quick and easy meals: bữa ăn nhanh và dễ thực hiện
  • a home-cooked meal: bữa ăn tự nấu tại nhà
  • cook meals from scratch: tự nấu ăn từ lúc ban đầu


Trên đây là Sample & Vocabulary về chủ đề Describe an unusual meal you had thuộc phần IELTS Speaking.

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