Describe an interesting old person you met – IELTS Speaking Part 2&3

Hiểu được nỗi lo lắng của các thí sinh khi dự thi IELTS Speaking – một phần thi khá khó “nhằn” đối với nhiều bạn, lần này IPPEdu sẽ giúp bạn chủ đề Describe an interesting old person you met trong bộ Forecast IELTS Speaking 2023 Quý 3. Trong bài viết này, IPPEDU sẽ cung cấp cho các bạn bài mẫu hướng dẫn cụ thể về cách trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3 chủ đề Describe an interesting old person you met, cũng như giới thiệu một số từ vựng hữu ích và ghi điểm cao trong phần thi này nhé!

Describe an interesting old person you met

1. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample & Ideas: Describe an interesting old person you met

TOPIC:  Describe an interesting old person you met.

You should say: 

  • who this person is 
  • where/when you met this person 
  • what you did with this person 

and explain why you think this person is interesting.


[who] I would like to tell you about this fascinating old gentleman named Mr. Johnson that I had the pleasure of meeting a couple of years ago. I first met him while I was volunteering at a local senior community center.

[when] It was during one of my visits to the center when I first encountered Mr. Johnson // He was sitting on a bench in the garden, engrossed in a book // I approached him to strike up a conversation => struck by his warm smile and sparkling eyes that reflected a lifetime of experiences 

[what you did]  We spent hours chatting about various topics //  his childhood memories // his travels around the world // experiences in community services //  Mr. Johnson had lived through some remarkable times, and he shared captivating stories about his adventures and the lessons he had learned along the way

We also engaged in a range of activities together // played chess => I was amazed at his strategic thinking and keen intellect // worked on a jigsaw puzzle together => enjoyed the process of problem-solving

[why] What made Mr. Johnson particularly intriguing was his thirst for knowledge and his curiosity about the world

[explain] he had an insatiable desire to learn and grow => often share snippets of wisdom and offer valuable advice on life, relationships, and personal fulfillment // eager to learn new things from me as well => meeting him was a truly enriching experience

[final thoughts] His vibrant personality, coupled with his vast reservoir of knowledge and stories, left a lasting impression on me => reminded me that age is just a number // understand the importance of embracing life’s adventures // cherish moments of connection, and never cease to learn

2. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Vocabulary Highlights: Describe someone you know who often helps others

  • fascinating old gentleman: ông lão thú vị
  • a local senior community center: trung tâm cộng đồng người cao tuổi địa phương:
  • engrossed in a book: chìm đắm trong cuốn sách
  • strike up a conversation: bắt đầu cuộc trò chuyện
  • struck by his warm smile and sparkling eyes: ấn tượng với nụ cười ấm áp và đôi mắt lấp lánh của anh ấy
  • strategic thinking and keen intellect: tư duy chiến lược và trí thông minh sắc bén
  • his thirst for knowledge and his curiosity about the world: sự khao khát tri thức và tò mò về thế giới
  • an insatiable desire: niềm khao khát không thể dập tắt
  • snippets of wisdom: mẩu chuyện tri thức
  • reservoir of knowledge and stories: nguồn tri thức và câu chuyện phong phú
  • cease to learn: không ngừng học hỏi

3. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions: The elderly

Các câu IELTS Speaking Part 3 trong chủ đề The elderly đòi hỏi các bạn cần có kỹ năng lên ý tưởng bằng cách giới thiệu (lead-in), giải thích và đưa ra lý do (explain), và bổ sung thêm thông tin (extend) hoặc so sánh với các đối tượng khác (compare). Việc suy nghĩ và sắp xếp ideas hợp lý sẽ giúp các bạn phát triển câu trả lời hiệu quả hơn.

Part 3 – The elderly

  1. Do you think old people and young people can share interests?
  2. What can old people teach young people?
  3. Are there benefits when one person is interested in another person? Why?
  4. What are the advantages of having an elderly person at home?
  5. Is there anything that older people should learn from the younger generation?
  6. What qualities does a person need to take care of old people?
  7. Do you think elderly people should be allowed to work?


4. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample & Ideas: The elderly


1. Do you think old people and young people can share interests?

[lead-in] Certainly! I believe that old and young people can definitely share common interests. 

[explain] Despite their age differences, there are hobbies and activities that can bring them together [example] enjoy gardening // reading books // watching movies // By finding common ground and embracing each other’s interests, old and young people can establish meaningful connections => overcome generation gap

  • establish meaningful connections: thiết lập các mối quan hệ ý nghĩa
  • overcome generation gap: vượt qua khoảng cách thế hệ

2. What can old people teach young people?

[lead-in] Old people have a wealth of wisdom and life experiences to pass on to the younger generation. 

[explain] They can teach young people valuable life lessons in patience and resilience // they often possess specialized skills or knowledge [example] traditional crafts // storytelling //  historical insights => young people get to know more about the older generations and find their experiences and stories more relatable 

  • traditional crafts: thủ công truyền thống

3. Are there benefits when one person is interested in another person? Why?

[lead-in] Absolutely! There are numerous benefits when one person takes a genuine interest in another. 

[explain] It helps foster stronger relationships and builds trust // allows individuals to understand each other better => improved communication and empathy // showing interest in others promotes a sense of belonging and can contribute to personal growth and mutual support

  • foster stronger relationships and builds trust: tạo dựng mối quan hệ mạnh mẽ và xây dựng lòng tin
  • personal growth and mutual support: phát triển cá nhân và hỗ trợ lẫn nhau.

4. What are the advantages of having an elderly person at home?

[lead-in] Having an elderly person at home can bring several advantages. 

[explain] their presence adds a sense of stability and wisdom to the household => provide emotional support, guidance, and invaluable life advice // older individuals often possess a wealth of knowledge about family traditions, cultural heritage, and historical events => enrich the family’s overall understanding and appreciation of their roots.

  • invaluable life advice: lời khuyên vô giá về cuộc sống

5. Is there anything that older people should learn from the younger generation?

[lead-in] Yes, older people can certainly learn from the younger generation.

[explain] Younger individuals are often more tech-savvy and well-versed in modern technology => teach the old how to navigate smartphones, social media, and other digital platforms => help them stay connected and engaged in today’s world // younger generations tend to have fresh perspectives and innovative ideas => inspire older individuals to embrace change and adapt to new ways of thinking.

  • tech-savvy and well-versed in modern technology: thành thạo về công nghệ và am hiểu về công nghệ

6. What qualities does a person need to take care of old people?

[lead-in] Taking care of old people requires several essential qualities. 

[explain] older individuals may have specific needs // may require extra time and assistance => Patience is crucial // Compassion and empathy are also vital // enable caregivers to understand and respond to the emotional and physical challenges faced by the elderly // good communication skills, attentiveness, and a genuine desire to provide support are key qualities for effectively taking care of old people

  • enable caregivers to understand and respond: cho phép người chăm sóc hiểu và đáp ứng

7. Do you think elderly people should be allowed to work?

[lead-in] Whether elderly people should be allowed to work depends on various factors, including their health, capabilities, and personal preferences. 

[explain] While some elderly individuals may still possess the skills and desire to work, others may prefer to retire and enjoy their leisure time => important to consider their well-being // ensure that they are not subjected to undue stress or exploitation

=> the decision should be based on individual circumstances and choices

  • undue stress or exploitation: căng thẳng không cần thiết hoặc bóc lột


Trên đây là Sample & Vocabulary về chủ đề Describe an interesting old person you met thuộc phần IELTS Speaking. Hi vọng rằng, những hướng dẫn và kiến thức mà IPPEDU đã chia sẻ sẽ giúp bạn nâng cao kỹ năng và tự tin hơn khi tham gia phần thi IELTS Speaking. Đừng quên thường xuyên ghé thăm IPPEdu và tham khảo tài liệu, kinh nghiệm từ những giáo viên với IELTS 8.0+, để có những chiến thuật học tập hiệu quả nhất. Hy vọng rằng, thông qua việc học tập và luyện tập chăm chỉ, bạn sẽ đạt được số điểm mà mình mong muốn trong kỳ thi IELTS sắp tới!


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