Describe an ideal house you would like to have – IELTS Speaking Part 2&3

Hiểu được nỗi lo lắng của các thí sinh khi dự thi IELTS Speaking – một phần thi khá khó “nhằn” đối với nhiều bạn, lần này IPPEdu sẽ giúp bạn chủ đề Describe an ideal house you would like to have trong bộ Forecast IELTS Speaking 2023 Quý 3 – một chủ đề khá mới và được xuất hiện gần đây.

Trong bài viết này, IPPEdu sẽ cung cấp cho các bạn bài mẫu hướng dẫn cụ thể về cách trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 2&3 chủ đề Describe an ideal house you would like to have, cũng như giới thiệu một số từ vựng hữu ích và ghi điểm cao trong phần thi này nhé!

Describe an ideal house you would like to have


1. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample & Ideas: Describe an ideal house you would like to have

TOPIC: Describe an ideal house you would like to have.

You should say: 

  • where it would be 
  • what it would like 
  • what special features it would have 

and explain why it would be your ideal house.


[intro] Today, I want to talk to you about my ideal house. It’s a dream that I have had for a long time, and I believe that it’s important to have a vision for the future.

[how] My ideal house would be a spacious, modern home with plenty of natural light and an open floor plan. It would have a large, well-equipped kitchen with ample counter space and top-of-the-line appliances.

The house would also have a beautiful outdoor space, complete with a manicured lawn, a swimming pool, and a cozy patio area for entertaining guests.

But perhaps the most important aspect of my ideal house is the sense of comfort and coziness that it provides. It’s like the saying goes, “home is where the heart is,” and I want my house to be a place where I can truly relax and feel at peace.

I also believe that my ideal house should be a reflection of my personal style and taste. It’s important to make a house a home, and that means surrounding oneself with things that bring joy and happiness.

[feeling] In conclusion, my ideal house is a place of comfort, beauty, and personal expression. It’s a dream that I hope to achieve one day, and I know that it will bring me a sense of fulfillment and happiness. As the saying goes, “home sweet home,” and I can’t wait to make my dream home a reality.


2. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Vocabulary Highlights: Describe an ideal house you would like to have

  • have a vision for the future: có tầm nhìn cho tương lai
  • spacious, modern home: ngôi nhà rộng rãi, hiện đại
  • an open floor plan: thiết kế mở không gian
  • well-equipped kitchen: bếp được trang bị đầy đủ tiện nghi
  • top-of-the-line appliances: các thiết bị hiện đại hàng đầu
  • a cozy patio area: khu vực hiên nhà ấm cúng
  • “home is where the heart is”: nhà là nơi trái tim ta thuộc về
  • “home sweet home”: không đâu tốt hơn nhà mình

Describe an ideal house you would like to have


3. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions: Architecture

Chủ đề Architecture trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 yêu cầu bạn phát triển ý kiến của mình và giải thích một cách rõ ràng. Hãy mở đầu bằng việc giới thiệu (lead-in), sau đó chia sẻ quan điểm cá nhân và tiếp theo là giải thích và đưa ra lý do (explanation). Bằng cách phát triển câu trả lời và giải thích một cách rõ ràng, bạn sẽ tự tin trình bày và ghi điểm cao trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 với chủ đề Architecture.

Part 3 – Architecture

  1. What are the most common architectural styles in Vietnamese cities?
  2. What’s the difference between an apartment and a house? 
  3. What’s the difference between living in the countryside and living in the city? 
  4. What are the advantages of the facilities of the apartment and those of the house? 
  5. What difficulties do people have living in the city? 
  6. What can be done to reduce the stress of city life? 


4. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample & Ideas: Architecture


1. What are the most common architectural styles in Vietnamese cities?

In my experience, Vietnamese cities showcase a rich diversity of architectural styles, reflecting the country’s complex history and cultural influences. Some of the most common styles include French colonial architecture, traditional Vietnamese architecture, and modernist styles. As the saying goes, “variety is the spice of life,” and the range of architectural styles in Vietnamese cities offers a fascinating glimpse into the country’s past and present. Ultimately, the key is to appreciate and celebrate the unique beauty and character of each style, and to recognize the ways in which architecture can shape and reflect the culture and identity of a place and its people.

  • a rich diversity of architectural styles: sự đa dạng phong phú về kiến trúc
  • “variety is the spice of life”: sự đa dạng và sự phong phú trong cuộc sống là điều làm cho nó thêm hấp dẫn và thú vị
  • a fascinating glimpse: cái nhìn hấp dẫn

2. What’s the difference between an apartment and a house?

In my view, the main difference between an apartment and a house is the level of ownership and responsibility.

An apartment is typically a unit within a larger building, and ownership is shared among multiple tenants or a landlord. As the saying goes, “home is where the heart is,” and while apartments offer convenience and affordability, they may also involve more communal living and less control over the living space. In contrast, a house is typically an independent dwelling owned by a single individual or family, offering greater privacy and control over the living space but also more responsibility for upkeep and maintenance. Ultimately, the key is to choose the type of dwelling that best suits one’s needs and preferences, taking into account factors such as location, affordability, and lifestyle.

  • the level of ownership and responsibility: mức độ sở hữu và trách nhiệm
  • multiple tenants or a landlord: nhiều người thuê hoặc một chủ nhà
  • an independent dwelling owned: ngôi nhà độc lập sở hữu
  • take into account: lưu ý, suy xét

3. What’s the difference between living in the countryside and living in the city?

In my experience, living in the countryside and living in the city offer vastly different lifestyles and experiences. Living in the countryside can offer peace, quiet, and natural beauty, while living in the city offers excitement, convenience, and cultural diversity. As the saying goes, “different strokes for different folks,” and the choice between rural and urban living depends on individual preferences and priorities. Ultimately, the key is to find a living environment that offers a balance of comfort, opportunity, and fulfillment, whether that means embracing the rhythms of the countryside or the vibrancy of the city.

  • “different strokes for different folks”: mỗi người một nét
  • embracing the rhythms of the countryside: đón nhận, chấp nhận và thích ứng với lối sống và nhịp điệu của cuộc sống ở nông thôn
  • the vibrancy of the city: sự sôi động của thành phố

4. What are the advantages of the facilities of the apartment and those of the house?

In my opinion, apartments and houses offer unique advantages in terms of facilities. Apartments often come with amenities such as gyms, pools, and communal spaces, which can offer convenience and social opportunities. As the saying goes, “there’s safety in numbers,” and apartment living can offer a sense of security and community. Houses, on the other hand, offer more privacy, space, and customization options, allowing individuals to create a living environment that suits their unique needs and preferences. Ultimately, the key is to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each type of dwelling, and to choose the one that offers the facilities and lifestyle that best align with one’s goals and priorities.

  • communal spaces: không gian chung
  • “there’s safety in numbers”: an toàn hơn khi đông người

5. What difficulties do people have living in the city?

In my experience, living in the city can present a range of challenges and difficulties. These may include issues such as traffic congestion, noise pollution, high living costs, and social isolation. As the saying goes, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch,” and the benefits of city living often come with trade-offs and sacrifices. However, with careful planning, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace the unique opportunities and challenges of urban life, it is possible to thrive and find fulfillment in the city. Ultimately, the key is to approach city living with an open mind and a willingness to learn and grow.

  • social isolation: cô đơn xã hộ
  • “there’s no such thing as a free lunch”: không có bữa ăn trưa nào là miễn phí ➜ không thể có được một cái gì đó mà không phải mất gì cả
  • trade-offs and sacrifices: sự đánh đổi và hy sinh

6. What can be done to reduce the stress of city life?

From my perspective, there are several strategies that can be effective in reducing the stress of city life. These may include engaging in regular exercise, practicing mindfulness and meditation, seeking out green spaces and natural environments, and building strong social connections. As the saying goes, “no man is an island,” and social support and connection can be powerful buffers against stress and anxiety. Ultimately, the key is to prioritize self-care and well-being, and to find strategies that work best for one’s unique needs and circumstances.

  • green spaces and natural environments: không gian xanh và môi trường tự nhiên
  • “no man is an island”: mọi người cần có nhau để sống và tồn tại


Trên đây là Sample & Vocabulary về chủ đề Describe an ideal house you would like to have thuộc phần IELTS Speaking.

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