Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in the future – IELTS Speaking Part 2&3

Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in the future – một đề bài không quá khó và được xuất hiện gần đây. Tuy nhiên, để trả lời một cách xuất sắc, liệu bạn đã nắm rõ từ vựng hay biết cách khai thác và phát triển ý tưởng một cách sâu rộng và chính xác hay chưa?

Đến với bộ Forecast IELTS Speaking 2023 Quý 3 lần này, IPPEdu sẽ cung cấp cho các bạn bài mẫu hướng dẫn cụ thể về cách trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 2&3 chủ đề Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in the future, cũng như giới thiệu một số từ vựng hữu ích để bạn có thể ghi điểm cao trong phần thi này nhé!

Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in the future


1. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample & Ideas: Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in the future

TOPIC: Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in the future.

You should say: 

  • what the adventure is 
  • where you would go 
  • who you would go with 
  • what you would do 

and explain why you would like to take the adventure


[intro] Today, I want to talk about an exciting adventure that I would like to take in the future. It’s a journey that would take me outside of my comfort zone and allow me to experience new cultures and ways of life.

[what] The adventure in question is a backpacking trip through Southeast Asia. It’s a region of the world that has always fascinated me, with its rich history, vibrant cultures, and stunning natural beauty.

[why] Embarking on a backpacking trip through Southeast Asia would be a true adventure, filled with unexpected challenges and thrilling experiences. It’s like the saying goes, “life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all,” and I want to live my life to the fullest.

But perhaps the most exciting aspect of this adventure would be the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. It’s like the old adage goes, “a stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet,” and I believe that this trip would allow me to make connections with people from all over the world.

[feeling] In conclusion, a backpacking trip through Southeast Asia is an adventure that I would love to experience in the future. It’s a journey that would challenge me, inspire me, and broaden my horizons in ways that I can’t even imagine. As the saying goes, “adventure awaits,” and I can’t wait to embark on this exciting journey.


2. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Vocabulary Highlights: Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in the future

  • take me outside of my comfort zone: bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn
  • backpacking trip through Southeast Asia: chuyến du lịch bụi qua Đông Nam Á
  • stunning natural beauty: vẻ đẹp tự nhiên tuyệt đẹp
  • broaden my horizons: mở rộng tầm hiểu biết
  • “life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”: cuộc sống hoặc là một cuộc phiêu lưu táo bạo, hoặc không gì cả
  • “a stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet”: người lạ chỉ là một người bạn mà bạn chưa gặp
  • “adventure awaits”: cuộc phiêu lưu đang đợi
  • embark on this exciting journey: bắt đầu hành trình thú vị

Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in the future


3. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions: Adventure

Chủ đề Adventure trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 yêu cầu bạn phát triển ý kiến của mình và giải thích một cách rõ ràng. Hãy mở đầu bằng việc giới thiệu (lead-in), sau đó chia sẻ quan điểm cá nhân và tiếp theo là giải thích và đưa ra lý do (explanation). Bằng cách phát triển câu trả lời và giải thích một cách rõ ràng, bạn sẽ tự tin trình bày và ghi điểm cao trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 với chủ đề Adventure.

Part 3 – Adventure

  1. Who likes to read adventure books? 
  2. Do people prefer adventure novels or adventure movies?
  3. Why do some people like to read adventure books rather than take an adventure?
  4. Who doesn’t like to take adventures?
  5. What kind of personality should people have to experience a lot of adventure?
  6. Will experiencing adventure broaden people’s horizons?


4. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample & Ideas: Adventure


1. Who likes to read adventure books?

[lead-in] Adventure books appeal to a wide range of readers.


Adventure Enthusiasts: Individuals who have a natural inclination towards excitement, thrill, and exploration are often drawn to adventure books. They seek the adrenaline rush and the sense of vicarious adventure that these books provide.

Escapists: Readers who enjoy escaping the monotony of everyday life and immersing themselves in thrilling narratives find solace in adventure books. These books offer an opportunity to experience high-stakes adventures from the comfort of their own imaginations.

Fantasy Lovers: Adventure books often incorporate elements of fantasy, magic, and extraordinary worlds. Readers who have a penchant for fantastical realms, mythical creatures, and epic quests are likely to be drawn to these stories.

Curious Minds: Adventure books not only entertain but also satisfy the curiosity of readers. They take readers on explorations of unknown territories, uncover hidden treasures, and unravel mysteries, appealing to those with a sense of curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.

Risk-Takers: Individuals who are naturally inclined towards taking risks and seeking novel experiences often enjoy adventure books. They resonate with the protagonists who embark on daring journeys, overcoming obstacles, and embracing the unknown.

[extend] Adventure books have a wide appeal, attracting readers who seek excitement, escapism, fantastical elements, curiosity fulfillment, and those with a penchant for risk-taking. The genre offers a diverse range of narratives, catering to various tastes and preferences.

2. Do people prefer adventure novels or adventure movies?

[lead-in] Adventure stories have captured the imagination of audiences in both literary and cinematic forms. Let’s explore whether people tend to prefer adventure novels or adventure movies.

[explain] The preference between adventure novels and adventure movies depends on individual preferences and the medium through which people prefer to experience stories. Here are some points to consider:

Imagination and Immersion: Adventure novels often provide more extensive details and allow readers to use their imagination to visualize the characters, settings, and action. This level of immersion can create a more personalized and intimate connection with the story for those who prefer a deeper engagement.

Visual Spectacle and Action: Adventure movies, on the other hand, have the advantage of visually showcasing thrilling action sequences, breathtaking landscapes, and special effects. The audio-visual elements can enhance the sense of excitement and provide a cinematic experience for those who prefer a more visually stimulating form of storytelling.

Pacing and Time Commitment: Adventure novels usually offer a more in-depth exploration of characters and storylines, allowing for a gradual buildup of suspense and tension. Movies, on the other hand, tend to condense the narrative, providing a faster-paced experience that can be consumed within a shorter time frame.

Adaptation Potential: Some people may prefer adventure movies if they have read the book beforehand and are curious to see how the story and characters are brought to life on the big screen. The visual adaptation can add a new dimension to the story and enhance the overall experience.

Personal Preference: Ultimately, the preference between adventure novels and adventure movies comes down to personal taste. Some individuals may enjoy the immersive and imaginative experience of reading, while others may prefer the visual spectacle and shared experience of watching a movie.

[extend] The preference for adventure novels or adventure movies varies from person to person, depending on factors such as engagement with imagination, visual stimulation, pacing, adaptation potential, and personal preferences. Both mediums offer unique experiences and cater to different ways of storytelling, allowing individuals to choose the form that resonates most with their preferences.

3. Why do some people like to read adventure books rather than take an adventure?

[lead-in] Adventure books offer readers an opportunity to embark on thrilling journeys and experience exciting escapades through the power of storytelling. Let’s explore why some people prefer reading adventure books rather than pursuing real-life adventures.

[explain] There are several reasons why individuals may choose to read adventure books instead of undertaking real-life adventures:

Safety and Convenience: Reading adventure books allows individuals to experience thrilling escapades and take part in daring quests without putting themselves in physical danger. It provides a safe and convenient way to enjoy the excitement and thrill of adventures from the comfort of their own homes.

Imagination and Creativity: Adventure books stimulate the imagination, enabling readers to visualize vivid landscapes, vivid characters, and action-packed sequences. It taps into their creativity and allows them to create their own mental representations of the adventurous scenarios described in the book.

Emotional Connection: Adventure books often evoke powerful emotions in readers, ranging from excitement and anticipation to fear and suspense. The emotional connection forged through the characters and their journeys can be deeply satisfying and fulfilling, offering a unique and personal experience.

Escapism and Entertainment: Reading adventure books provides an escape from the realities of everyday life. It offers a temporary respite from routine and allows individuals to immerse themselves in thrilling narratives, providing entertainment and a means of relaxation.

Access to Different Worlds: Adventure books transport readers to diverse and exotic locations, historical eras, or fantastical realms. They offer a chance to explore and discover new worlds, cultures, and perspectives, providing a sense of discovery and expanding one’s horizons.

[extend] Reading adventure books offers a range of benefits, including safety, convenience, stimulation of imagination, emotional connection, escapism, and access to different worlds. It provides a unique and immersive experience that allows individuals to partake in exciting adventures while enjoying the comforts of their own reading space. 

4. Who doesn’t like to take adventures?

[lead-in] While adventure appeals to many, there are individuals who may not be inclined towards undertaking adventurous activities. Let’s explore who these individuals might be and why they may not be interested in pursuing adventures.

[explain] Not everyone is drawn to adventurous experiences, and there are several reasons why some individuals may not like to take adventures:

Risk Aversion: Some individuals may have a natural aversion to risk and prefer to avoid situations that involve potential danger or uncertainty. They may prioritize safety and stability over thrill-seeking activities.

Comfort Zone: People who prefer familiarity and routine may be less inclined to venture outside their comfort zones and engage in adventurous activities. They may find comfort and security in their established routines and environments.

Personal Preferences: Different individuals have varying interests, hobbies, and preferences. Not everyone finds excitement or fulfillment in adventurous pursuits. Some may prefer quieter activities, intellectual pursuits, or creative endeavors that align better with their personal interests.

Health or Physical Limitations: Physical or health-related limitations can deter individuals from engaging in certain adventurous activities. Mobility constraints, medical conditions, or other factors may restrict their ability to participate in physically demanding or high-risk activities.

Lifestyle or Personality Traits: Certain personality traits, such as introversion or preference for solitude, may make individuals less inclined towards adventurous pursuits that involve social interactions or group activities. Their preferences and lifestyle choices may be better suited to quieter or more introspective activities.

[extend] The inclination towards or aversion to adventures varies from person to person based on factors such as risk tolerance, comfort zones, personal preferences, health limitations, lifestyle choices, and personality traits. It is important to respect individual differences and choices, as everyone has their own unique set of interests and preferences.

5. What kind of personality should people have to experience a lot of adventure?

[lead-in] Engaging in adventurous activities often requires certain personality traits that drive individuals to seek excitement, embrace uncertainty, and take risks. Let’s explore the kind of personality traits that are commonly associated with those who are more inclined to experience a lot of adventure.

Explanation: People with the following personality traits are often more likely to seek and enjoy adventurous experiences:

Openness to Experience: Individuals who are open to new experiences, ideas, and sensations tend to be more adventurous. They have a curiosity and eagerness to explore unfamiliar territories, making them more receptive to adventurous activities.

Risk Tolerance: Adventurous individuals typically have a higher tolerance for risk and are comfortable with uncertainty. They are willing to step outside their comfort zones and embrace challenges, knowing that they may encounter both opportunities and potential setbacks.

Thrill-Seeking Nature: Those with a thrill-seeking nature actively seek out excitement and adrenaline-pumping experiences. They enjoy the rush of exhilaration that comes with adventurous activities and actively pursue opportunities that provide a sense of thrill.

Resilience and Adaptability: Adventure often involves encountering unexpected situations and navigating through challenges. People who are resilient, adaptable, and able to handle ambiguity are more likely to embrace the unpredictable nature of adventures and bounce back from setbacks.

Proactive and Action-Oriented: Adventurous individuals tend to be proactive and action-oriented. They actively seek out opportunities, take initiative, and are driven by a desire for exploration and personal growth.

Physical Fitness and Stamina: Some adventurous activities require physical fitness, endurance, and stamina. Individuals who are physically fit and possess a level of strength and endurance are better equipped to engage in physically demanding adventures.

[extend] While these personality traits are often associated with individuals who embrace adventure, it is important to note that people can develop and cultivate these traits over time. Additionally, not everyone needs to possess all these traits to enjoy adventurous experiences. Each person’s level of adventure-seeking may vary, and personal preferences and comfort levels play a significant role in shaping the kind and extent of adventures they choose to pursue.

6. Will experiencing adventure broaden people’s horizons? 

[lead-in] Experiencing adventure has the potential to broaden one’s horizons by exposing individuals to new experiences, perspectives, and challenges. Let’s explore how adventurous experiences can expand people’s horizons.

[explain] Engaging in adventurous activities can have several effects that contribute to broadening people’s horizons:

Exposure to New Environments: Adventures often take individuals to unfamiliar places, whether it’s exploring remote landscapes, traveling to different countries, or immersing oneself in diverse cultures. This exposure to new environments offers the opportunity to learn about different customs, traditions, and ways of life, fostering cultural understanding and appreciation.

Pushing Beyond Comfort Zones: Adventure pushes individuals outside their comfort zones and encourages them to face fears and overcome challenges. By pushing boundaries, people discover hidden strengths and develop resilience, enhancing their self-confidence and expanding their perceived limitations.

Embracing Diversity: Adventures often involve interacting with people from various backgrounds and cultures. This exposure to diversity fosters empathy, tolerance, and a broader understanding of different perspectives and ways of thinking. It promotes acceptance of differences and encourages individuals to approach the world with an open mind.

Developing New Skills: Engaging in adventurous activities requires learning new skills, whether it’s rock climbing, scuba diving, or hiking in challenging terrains. Acquiring these skills not only enhances personal capabilities but also instills a sense of accomplishment and encourages individuals to take on new challenges in other areas of life.

Cultivating Adaptability: Adventures often involve navigating through unpredictable situations and adapting to changing circumstances. This cultivates adaptability and problem-solving skills, as individuals learn to think on their feet and make quick decisions in dynamic environments.

Building Connection with Nature: Many adventurous activities take place in natural settings, offering opportunities to connect with nature and develop a deeper appreciation for the environment. This connection can lead to a greater understanding of environmental issues and a desire to protect and preserve natural resources.

[extend] While adventurous experiences have the potential to broaden people’s horizons, it is important to note that the extent of the impact may vary based on individual perspectives, willingness to embrace new experiences, and the specific nature of the adventures undertaken. However, by exposing oneself to new environments, pushing beyond comfort zones, embracing diversity, developing new skills, cultivating adaptability, and building a connection with nature, individuals can greatly expand their horizons and gain a more profound understanding of themselves and the world around them.


Trên đây là Sample & Vocabulary về chủ đề Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in the future thuộc phần IELTS Speaking.

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