Describe an advertisement you have seen – Sample IELTS Speaking part 2

Chủ đề hôm nay “Describe an advertisement you have seen”, muốn bạn mô tả về một quảng cáo mà bạn đã từng xem – tuy rất dễ để nhớ hay cứ “bịa” ra là xong, nhưng khá khó để đạt điểm cao nếu vốn từ vựng của bạn đang sử dụng chưa đủ nhiều và chưa đủ chuyên nghiệp. Hãy cùng đến với Sample IELTS Speaking Band 7.5 từ một mentor của IPPEdu và xem anh ấy đã xử lý như thế nào nhé!

Describe An Advertisement You Have Seen - Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2

Describe An Advertisement You Have Seen – Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2

What should you say for topic “Describe An Advertisement You Have Seen”?

  • When you saw it
  • Where you saw it
  • What was advertised
  • What the advertisement’s contents were
  • And explain how you felt about it.


Sample IELTS Speaking “Describe An Advertisement You Have Seen”

So the advertisement I’m going to talk about is the one from Vinamilk, a giant in dairy manufacturing in Vietnam. I saw this advertisement when I was eating dinner with my family. What immediately captured my attention was Quang Hai – a household name in Vietnam for his soccer skill. Then, many young children, after drinking Vinamilk, follow Quang Hai and other famous footballers, bringing their fiery soccer passion and skillful football maneuvers all around Vietnam, from Ha Long Bay to Da Nang. Along with this goes the song recurrently singing “For the Stand Tall Vietnam”.

What really impressed me was not the intriguing content, but rather the patriotic morale Vinamilk brings to Vietnamese people. At that time, Vietnamese football gained two gold medals for both male and female football in SEA Games 30. Vinamilk quickly seized this opportunity and launched the ad through mass media with the starring of well-known footballers like Quang Hai, and Trong Hoang. The main message: Drinking milk for a better stature, a better stature for better performance, for a higher Vietnam and I think Vinamilk has done a good job at making everyone glued to their ad for this meaningful message. It again proved that Vinamilk is not just a flash in the pan but a truly well-grounded success in building brand awareness.


New vocab in Sample IELTS Speaking

  1. Giant (n): a very large organization
  2. Capture one’s attention: to make somebody particularly notice something
  3. Household name (n): a name that has become very well-known
  4. Fiery passion (collocation): a very strong desire for something
  5. Maneuver (n): a skillful and clever movement
  6. Intriguing (adj): interesting
  7. Patriotic morale: the enthusiasm and pride for one’s own country
  8. Seize the opportunity (collocation): take the chance to do something
  9. Mass media (n): large media outlets like TV, newspapers,..
  10. Stature (n): a person’s height
  11. Glued to: giving all attention to something
  12. A flash in the pan: a sudden and very short-lived success
  13. Well-grounded success: a sustainable success based on good knowledge and skills
  14. Brand awareness: how well do people know a product

IPPEdu vừa chia sẻ với các bạn Sample IETLTS Speaking Part 2 cùng với một lượng từ vựng mới về chủ đề “Describe An Advertisement You Have Seen.” Hãy tham khảo ngay để có một bài dàn ý theo ý tưởng sáng tạo của riêng mình.

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