Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted – IELTS Speaking Part 2&3

Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted – một đề bài tưởng chừng như khá khó, nhưng hóa ra lại đơn giản. Tuy nhiên, để trả lời một cách xuất sắc, liệu bạn đã nắm rõ từ vựng hay biết cách khai thác và phát triển ý tưởng một cách sâu rộng và chính xác hay chưa?

Đến với bộ Forecast IELTS Speaking 2023 Quý 3 lần này, hãy cùng IPPEdu “gỡ rối” thông qua các bài mẫu hướng dẫn cụ thể về cách trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 2&3 chủ đề Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted, cũng như giới thiệu một số từ vựng hữu ích để bạn có thể ghi điểm cao trong phần thi này nhé!

Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted

1. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample & Ideas: Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted

TOPIC: Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted

You should say: 

  • what it was 
  • when you received it 
  • who gave it to you 

and explain why you wanted it so much.


[what] It was a time when someone gave me something that I had been dreaming of for months. It was a gift that I never expected, but it left a lasting impact on me.

[how] The day started off just like any other day, but little did I know that it would turn out to be one of the best days of my life. As I was going about my day, a friend of mine surprised me with a brand new laptop. I was over the moon with excitement and gratitude.

It was like a dream come true, and I couldn’t believe my luck. The laptop was a game-changer for me, and it opened up so many doors that I had never even considered before. From that moment on, I was able to pursue my passions and interests with ease.

[feeling] This experience taught me that sometimes, the best things in life come when you least expect them. It also reminded me of the power of generosity and the importance of showing kindness to others.

In conclusion, this gift was a true blessing, and I will forever be grateful for it. As the saying goes, “A gift from the heart is worth a thousand words.” It truly was a gift from the heart that left an indelible mark on my life.


2. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Vocabulary Highlights: Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted

  • left a lasting impact: để lại ấn tượng lâu dài
  • started off: bắt đầu
  • turn out to be: hóa ra là
  • over the moon with excitement and gratitude: cực kì vui mừng và biết ơn
  • opened up so many doors: mở ra nhiều cơ hội
  • power of generosity: sức mạnh của sự hào phóng
  • A gift from the heart is worth a thousand words: món quà từ trái tim có giá trị bằng nghìn lời nói
  • left an indelible mark: để lại dấu ấn không thể phai nhòa

Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted

3. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions: Possessions

Chủ đề Possessions trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 yêu cầu bạn phát triển ý kiến của mình và giải thích một cách rõ ràng. Hãy mở đầu bằng việc giới thiệu (lead-in), sau đó chia sẻ quan điểm cá nhân và tiếp theo là giải thích và đưa ra lý do (explanation). Bằng cách phát triển câu trả lời và giải thích một cách rõ ràng, bạn sẽ tự tin trình bày và ghi điểm cao trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 với chủ đề Possessions.

Part 3 – Possessions

  1. Why do many people want to buy and own lots of things?
  2. What are the negative impacts of materialism?
  3. What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive as rewards?
  4. How should children spend their allowance money?
  5. Why do people like shopping more now than in the past?
  6. Do you think shopping is good for a country’s economy?


4. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample & Ideas: Possessions


1. Why do many people want to buy and own lots of things?

[lead-in] Some people have impulsive buying habit that compel them to purchase more goods // the desire to acquire and own numerous possessions is a common phenomenon

[explain] There is an underlying belief that owning more things signifies prosperity and achievement // a perceived association between material possessions and social status // Acquiring expensive or coveted items can convey a sense of affluence and elevate one’s status among their social circle => the need to acquire and display certain items to signal success or wealth // gain admiration and validation from peers and society 

Derive pleasure from shopping with their interests and aspirations // perceive shopping and owning things as a means of indulging in personal desires //  temporary boost in mood and the level of happiness => personal satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment => enhance the quality of life and provide a sense of security. 

[extend] It is essential to reflect on our consumption patterns and ensure that our pursuit of things does not overshadow the more meaningful aspects of life // Striving for a balance between material possessions and other sources of fulfillment => key to leading a well-rounded and contented life.

  • impulsive buying habit: thói quen mua sắm linh tinh
  • perceived association: liên kết được nhận thức
  • elevate one’s status: nâng cao địa vị của ai đó
  • derive pleasure from: gặt hái niềm vui từ

2. What are the negative impacts of materialism?

[lead-in] Many people are inclined towards acquiring a multitude of possessions.

[explain] The relentless pursuit of material possessions can lead to overspending, debt, and financial instability // compelled to purchase items they don’t need or can’t afford // prioritize immediate gratification over long-term financial well-being // accumulating credit card debt or loans to acquire items they can’t afford => create stress, financial dependency, and hinder overall financial security. 

The excessive consumption driven by materialism contributes to environmental degradation // increased production, resource extraction, and waste generation // overconsumption exacerbates climate change and threatens biodiversity => perpetuates a culture of disposable goods and disregard for sustainable practices => compromise the health of our planet. 

[extend] When materialism becomes an overarching focus and measure of success => detrimental effects on individuals’ well-being, relationships, the environment, and society as a whole >< encouraging a shift towards more sustainable and mindful consumption // fostering a sense of community and connection //help mitigate the negative impacts of materialism. 

  • relentless pursuit of material possessions: sự theo đuổi không ngừng của tài sản vật chất
  • long-term financial well-being: sự thịnh vượng tài chính lâu dài
  • excessive consumption: tiêu thụ quá mức
  • environmental degradation: suy thoái môi trường

3. What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive as rewards?

[lead-in] Gifts and rewards are recommendable options for celebrating achievements and motivating young people // there are several things that young people commonly appreciate // the preferences for gifts among young people can vary based on their individual tastes, hobbies, and current trends.

[explain] Many young people are drawn to the latest technology gadgets // offer entertainment, connectivity, and the ability to stay up-to-date with the digital world // enjoy fashionable clothing items, trendy accessories, or stylish footwear //  influencers and social media platforms for fashion inspiration // trends promoted by popular influencers on social media platforms (clothing brands jewelry, watches, or personalized items…) =>  express their personal style and keep up with current trends //  feel confident and stylish // enjoy staying updated with the latest fashion choices. 

[extend] Understanding one’s interests and individuality helps in selecting meaningful gifts // offering gifts that align with one’s preferences => a rewarding experience // appreciate and cherish. 

  • the latest technology gadgets: các sản phẩm công nghệ mới nhất
  • keep up with: bắt kịp

4. How should children spend their allowance money?

[lead-in] Children should spend their allowance money in a balanced and thoughtful manner //  It’s essential for them to understand the concept of budgeting, saving, and making conscious spending choices.

[explain] Develop a habit of saving for future goals or unexpected expenses // set aside a portion of allowance for savings // allocate their allowance to different categories // open a savings account or use a piggy bank // budgeting and spending in a responsible manner // make thoughtful spending decisions by considering the value and longevity of purchases => understand the concept of making choices and weighing the benefits of different options //  prioritize their needs and wants // instills a sense of financial responsibility. 

[extend] It’s crucial for parents or guardians to guide children in managing their allowance money wisely //  discussing financial values, setting savings goals, and having open conversations about money, => children can develop a healthy relationship with money and understand the importance of making informed spending decisions.

  • make conscious spending choices: đưa ra các quyết định tiêu dùng tỉnh táo
  • use a piggy bank: sử dụng ống heo

5. Why do people like shopping more now than in the past?

[lead-in] People now show a greater inclination towards shopping compared to the past // a shift in consumer behavior // increased preference for shopping.

[explain] The rise of e-commerce platforms and mobile applications has made shopping more convenient and accessible // browse through a vast array of products, compare prices, read reviews, and purchase items from the comfort of their own homes >< without the need to travel to physical stores => The ease and convenience offered by online shopping have made shopping a more enjoyable experience for many. An unprecedented range of products and brands //  consumers now have access to an abundant selection of items from all around the world => explore unique and diverse options => caters to individual preferences and desires => increasing popularity for shopping.

[extend]  Maintain a balanced approach to consumption // prioritize mindful consumption // considering factors such as necessity, quality, and ethical consideration // differentiate between needs and wants, make informed purchasing decisions, and avoid impulsive buying => ensure responsible shopping habits. 

  • a shift in consumer behavior: sự thay đổi trong hành vi tiêu dùng
  • e-commerce platforms: các nền tảng thương mại điện tử
  • an unprecedented range of products and brands: một loạt các sản phẩm và thương hiệu chưa từng có

6. Do you think shopping is good for a country’s economy?

[lead-in] It depends //  shopping can be beneficial for a country’s economy. 

[explain] Shopping stimulates economic activity by creating demand for goods and services // generating revenue for businesses // increasing production, job creation ( manufacturing, distribution, marketing, and customer service…) // reinforcing country’s labor resources and reducing unemployment rates // generates tax revenue for governments => be utilized to fund public services, infrastructure development, healthcare, education, and other essential programs that benefit the country and its citizens => a significant driver of economic activity => contribute to a country’s overall economic well-being.

[extend] The potential negative consequences of excessive shopping // involves the production and consumption of goods that require natural resources and generate waste // environmental degradation, including deforestation, pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions => long-term economic consequences (increased costs for environmental remediation, reduced sustainability…)

  • revenue for businesses: doanh thu cho doanh nghiệp
  • environmental degradation: sự suy thoái môi trường
  • greenhouse gas emissions: khí thải nhà kính
  • costs for environmental remediation: chi phí cho việc khắc phục môi trường


Trên đây là Sample & Vocabulary về chủ đề Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted thuộc phần IELTS Speaking.

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