(Quý 3 – 2023) Describe a beautiful city that you have visited – IELTS SPEAKING Part 2&3

Describe a beautiful city that you have visited thuộc chủ đề DESCRIBE A PLACE nằm trong bộ Forecast IELTS Speaking 2023 Quý 3 Part 2&3 lần này – một chủ đề khá quen thuộc và dễ dàng bắt gặp trong kỳ thi.

Trong bài viết này, IPPEdu sẽ cung cấp cho các bạn sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 cho chủ đề Describe a beautiful city that you have visited và sample IELTS Speaking Part 3 cho chủ đề Cities & History.

Describe a beautiful city that you have visited


1. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample & Ideas: Describe a beautiful city that you have visited

TOPIC: Describe a beautiful city that you have visited.

You should say:

  • where the city is
  • when you went there
  • why you went there
  • and explain why it is beautiful.


I am thrilled to share my experience of visiting a breathtaking city that left an indelible mark on my heart. Allow me to introduce you to the picturesque city of Prague, a true gem nestled in the heart of Europe.

Prague is a city that exudes timeless beauty and charm. Its cobblestone streets, Gothic architecture, and ornate buildings transport you to a bygone era. As I wandered through the enchanting Old Town, I was captivated by the idiom “a feast for the eyes,” as every corner revealed a new architectural marvel or a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.

One of the key highlights of Prague is its iconic Charles Bridge, which spans the Vltava River. Walking across this historic bridge, adorned with statues and offering panoramic views of the city, was a truly magical experience. It reminded me of the idiom “building bridges,” as it serves as a symbol of connection and unity, linking the past with the present.

In conclusion, Prague is a city that effortlessly blends history, culture, and natural beauty. It is a place where time seems to stand still, and every corner tells a story. Its architectural wonders, vibrant arts scene, and culinary delights make it a destination that truly embodies the idiom “a feast for the senses.” Visiting Prague was an unforgettable experience that left me longing to return and explore its enchanting streets once again.


2. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions: Cities & History

Chủ đề Cities & History trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 yêu cầu bạn phát triển ý kiến của mình và giải thích một cách rõ ràng.

Hãy mở đầu bằng việc giới thiệu (lead-in), sau đó chia sẻ quan điểm cá nhân và tiếp theo là giải thích và đưa ra lý do (explanation). Bằng cách phát triển câu trả lời và giải thích một cách rõ ràng, bạn sẽ tự tin trình bày và ghi điểm cao trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 với chủ đề Cities & History.

Part 3 – Cities & History

  1. What’s the difference between big cities and small cities? Why?
  2. Why do some people like to visit historical cities?
  3. How to protect historical cities? Why?
  4. Do you think old buildings should be broken down, and give place for modern buildings?
  5. Is it the government’s responsibility to preserve historic cities and historic buildings?
  6. Does historic preservation contradict economic development?


3. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample & Ideas: Cities & History


1. What’s the difference between big cities and small cities? Why?

The differences between big cities and small cities are quite pronounced, reflecting contrasting lifestyles and dynamics. The idiom “a world of difference” accurately captures the disparities between these urban environments. Big cities offer a bustling atmosphere, with diverse cultural attractions, vibrant nightlife, and abundant career opportunities. On the other hand, small cities provide a more relaxed and close-knit community, with a slower pace of life and a stronger sense of community.

2. Why do some people like to visit historical cities?

Visiting historical cities holds a magnetic allure for many individuals, including myself. The idiom “stepping back in time” aptly captures the essence of this fascination. Historical cities provide a tangible connection to our past, offering a glimpse into bygone eras, rich cultural heritage, and architectural marvels. Exploring ancient ruins, walking through cobblestone streets, and visiting historical landmarks evoke a sense of awe and wonder. It allows us to appreciate the achievements of our ancestors, understand the roots of our civilization, and gain a deeper understanding of our collective history.

3. How to protect historical cities? Why?

Preserving historical cities is paramount to safeguard our cultural legacy for future generations. The idiom “a stitch in time saves nine” emphasizes the importance of proactive measures. To protect these treasures, we must implement stringent conservation regulations, conduct regular maintenance and restoration of architectural structures, and promote sustainable tourism practices. Additionally, community involvement plays a crucial role in raising awareness and fostering a sense of ownership among residents.

4. Do you think old buildings should be broken down, and give place for modern buildings?

While progress and modernization are important, I firmly believe that old buildings should not be hastily demolished to make way for modern structures. The idiom “out with the old, in with the new” doesn’t always hold true when it comes to architectural heritage. Old buildings carry historical, cultural, and architectural value that cannot be replicated. Instead, we should strive to strike a balance between preserving our past and embracing the future. Adaptive reuse, restoration, and incorporating modern elements into old structures can revitalize and breathe new life into them.

5. Is it the government’s responsibility to preserve historic cities and historic buildings?

Preserving historic cities and buildings should indeed be a shared responsibility between the government and the community. The idiom “a joint effort” perfectly captures the collaborative nature of this task. While the government plays a crucial role in establishing and enforcing preservation laws, allocating resources, and implementing conservation measures, the community’s active participation is equally vital. Engaging citizens through educational programs, fostering a sense of pride and ownership, and encouraging community initiatives can create a collective commitment to protecting our cultural heritage.

6. Does historic preservation contradict economic development?

When it comes to historic preservation and economic development, they need not be at odds. Rather than contradicting each other, they can coexist harmoniously, like two sides of the same coin. Historic preservation not only safeguards our cultural heritage but also has the potential to drive tourism, stimulate local economies, and create jobs. It’s a case of “preserving the past while embracing the future,” as we strike a balance between honoring our history and reaping the benefits of sustainable economic growth.

7. What do you think will happen to historic places or buildings in the future? Why?

Looking into the future, the fate of historic places and buildings is uncertain, but their preservation is crucial. The idiom “only time will tell” reflects the unknown outcomes. With rapid urbanization and modernization, there is a risk of neglect or destruction of these invaluable assets. However, increased awareness, global heritage initiatives, and the recognition of their cultural and economic value provide hope. By fostering a collective responsibility, implementing effective preservation measures, and embracing sustainable practices, we can ensure the longevity and continued appreciation of historic places and buildings for generations to come.


Trên đây là Sample về chủ đề Describe a beautiful city that you have visited Cities & History thuộc phần IELTS Speaking Part 2&3.

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