Chiến thuật IELTS Reading – Dạng 1: True/False/Not given – Excellent Tips for True/False/Not given Questions

Trong bài viết này, IPP sẽ hướng dẫn chiến thuật làm bài dạng True/False/Not given để đạt band điểm cao trong IELTS Reading.

Chiến thuật IELTS Reading - Dạng True/False/Not given

Chiến thuật IELTS Reading – Dạng True/False/Not given

1. Các bước làm bài dạng True/False/Not given trong IELTS Reading

+ STEP 01:

Đọc kỹ nội dung các statements mà đề bài đưa ra, gạch dưới các key words & extreme key words.
Ví dụ với các statements sau:
Q1. The scientists are using a technique from electronics to control specific plant properties.
specific => nghĩa là vài nhóm cụ thể, không phải tất cả
electronics // plant properties => từ chuyên ngành, có thể dùng để locate information

Q2. Some synthetic biologists work with genetic circuits of mammals.
some => không quá extreme mà có vài người
synthetic biologists // genetic circuits => từ chuyên ngành có thể dùng để locate information
mammals => động vật có vú

Q3. Many synthetic biologists work with mammals.
most of => nghĩa là “đa số” nhiều người, kiểm tra xem có chỗ nào thể hiện “most of”

+ STEP 02:

Scan bài đọc và xác định vị trí cho Q1 => đây là câu đầu tiên nên thường sẽ là TRUE or FALSE [đề thường không bắt đầu bằng NOT GIVEN vì thí sinh sẽ không tài nào locating được]. Phía dưới Q1 sẽ có đáp án các câu còn lại. => DÙNG FENCING để chặn đoạn.

+ STEP 03:

So sánh giữa text trong đề và text trong câu statements để xác định T – F – NG.
Lưu ý là text để trả lời câu hỏi chỉ nằm ở 1-2 câu nên focus on đoạn text mình đã locating trong bài để phân tích.
Với các từ extreme như: no, every, all, the majority, the minority, bạn cần so sánh kỹ giữa câu statements và the reading text.


Programmable plants

In electronics, even the most advanced computer is just a complex arrangement of simple, modular parts that control specific functions; the same integrated circuit might be found in an iPhone, or in an aircraft. Biologists are creating this same modularity in – wait for it – plants, by designing gene “circuits” that control specific plant characteristics – color, size, resistance to drought, you name it.

The relatively new, interdisciplinary field is synthetic biology – the design of genetic circuits, just like in electronics, that control different functions and can be easily placed in one organism or the next. Most of today’s synthetic biologists work with simple microorganisms, like E. coli or yeast.
A CSU team led by June Medford, professor of biology, and Ashok Prasad, associate professor of chemical and biological engineering, is doing the same thing, but in the much more complex biological world of plants. 

Are the following statements true, false, or not given in the text?

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1. The scientists are using a technique from electronics to control specific plant properties.
2. Some synthetic biologists work with genetic circuits of mammals.
3. Most of synthetic biologists work with mammals.


Q1. The scientists are using a technique from electronics to control specific plant properties.

control specific plant properties = control specific plant characteristics

  • TRUE
Biologists are creating this same modularity in – wait for it – plants, by designing gene “circuits” that control specific plant characteristics – color, size, resistance to drought, you name it [Q1].
Q2. Some synthetic biologists work with genetic circuits of mammals.

Bạn tìm ra vị trí đáp án Q3 mà không thấy Q2 ở giữa Q1 và Q3 thì nghĩa là Q2 là NOT GIVEN. 
Q3. Many synthetic biologists work with mammals.

Câu hỏi: mammals 

Bài đọc: biologists work with simple microorganisms

Most of today’s synthetic biologists work with simple microorganisms, like E. coli or yeast [Q3].

3. Practice test

Questions 01 – 05 [DURATION: 12 mins]


A millennium ago, stepwells were fundamental to life in the driest parts of India. Richard Cox travelled to north-western India to document these spectacular monuments from a bygone era

During the sixth and seventh centuries, the inhabitants of the modern-day states of Gujarat and Rajasthan in north-western India developed a method of gaining access to clean, fresh groundwater during the dry season for drinking, bathing, watering animals and irrigation. However, the significance of this invention – the stepwell – goes beyond its utilitarian application.

Unique to this region, stepwells are often architecturally complex and vary widely in size and shape. During their heyday, they were places of gathering, of leisure and relaxation and of worship for villagers of all but the lowest classes. Most stepwells are found dotted round the desert areas of Gujarat (where they are called vav) and Rajasthan (where they are called baori), while a few also survive in Delhi. Some were located in or near villages as public spaces for the community; others were positioned beside roads as resting places for travellers.

As their name suggests, stepwells comprise a series of stone steps descending from ground level to the water source (normally an underground aquifer) as it recedes following the rains. When the water level was high, the user needed only to descend a few steps to reach it: when it was low, several levels would have to be negotiated.

Some wells are vast, open craters with hundreds of steps paving each sloping side, often in tiers. Others are more elaborate, with long stepped passages leading to the water via several storeys. Built from stone and supported by pillars, they also included pavilions that sheltered visitors from the relentless heat. But perhaps the most impressive features are the intricate decorative sculptures that embellish many stepwells, showing activities from fighting and dancing to everyday acts such as women combing their hair or churning butter.


  • gain access to (collo): tiếp cận với
  • irrigation (noun): tưới tiêu => irrigate (verb)
  • utilitarian (adj.): useful (đa dụng, có lợi)
  • complex (adj.): phức tạp
  • worship (n.): thờ cúng
  • be dotted (adj.) around [someplace]: rải rác  
  • be positioned: be situated => vị trí đặt ở đâu
  • descend (v.): to go down => hạ cánh đi xuống 
  • tiers (n.): lớp, nhiều lớp 
  • impressive features: đặc tính nổi trội
  • intricate (adj.): having many complex details => phức tạp nhiều chi tiết
  • decorative (adj.): mang tính trang trí  
  • embellish (v.): trang trí
  • manifold (adj.) = varied: đa dạng
  • originate from [sth] (verb): bắt nguồn từ 
  • embark on our ascent to [sth] (phrase): bắt đầu tiến trình đi lên
  • sophistication (n.): sự phức tạp tinh tế
  • ingenious (adj.): bản địa, bản chất 
  • simplicity (n.) => simple (adj.) 
  • infinite (adj.): không giới hạn 
  • renowned (adj.) = famous 
  • disclose to (v.): bật mí // rò thông tin 
  • paradox (n.): nghịch lý
  • elaborate (adj.): có chi tiết, kỹ càng 
  • pillar (n.): cột, nền móng

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?
In boxes 01 – 05 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1. Examples of ancient stepwells can be found all over the world. ____
2. Stepwells had a range of functions, in addition to those related to water collection. ____
3. The few existing stepwells in Delhi are more attractive than those found elsewhere. _____
4. It took workers many years to build the stone steps characteristic of stepwells. _____
5. The number of steps above the water level in a stepwell altered during the course of a year. ____

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