IELTS Reading – 1001 Cách Làm Bài Dạng Trả Lời Câu Hỏi Ngắn – Excellent Tips for Short-Answer Questions

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Cách làm bài dạng Short-Answer Questions trong IELTS Reading

Cách làm bài dạng Short-Answer Questions trong IELTS Reading

1. Các bước làm bài dạng Short-Answer Questions trong IELTS Reading:

STEP 01: Analyse keywords in the questions to locate texts in the reading passage. Understand the requirement of the question: NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. Predict what information you have to look for.

1. What factor decides where the dingo can live in a desert? => locate “desert”

2. Which physical characteristic distinguishes a dingo from a domesticated dog? => locate dogs in houses

3. What term refers to a group of wild dogs? => locate “wild dogs” = dogs living in wild habitats

4. What determines the vastness of the area occupied by the dingoes? = Which landscape features are used by the group to remain connected?

5. Which landscape features are used by the group to remain connected? => locate “landscape”

6. What animal might have been wiped out due to the dingo? => locate some names of animals

7. What has been made to protect the livestock from the dingoes? => locate “livestock” = chicken//ducks

8. What is the role of the dingo in humans’ lives? => look for a paragraph containing “dingo” & “humans” 

STEP 02: Questions are IN ORDER => Try to locate Q1//Q2 using FENCING TECHNIQUES.

Lưu ý: Vị trí LOCATING thường nằm trong cùng 01 đoạn, hoặc trong 02 đoạn văn gần nhau, kế bên nhau, hoặc tối đa cách nhau bởi 01 đoạn không hề chứa câu trả lời nào. Trường hợp thứ 3 là khó nhất để locate nền các bạn cần bình tĩnh để không chọn nhầm đoạn.

The Dingo – An Australian Pest

The dingo can be found in all areas of Australia – from harsh deserts to lush rainforest The highly adaptable dingo is found in every habitat and every state of Australia, except Tasmania. [Q1] In deserts, access to drinking water determines where the animal can live. Purebred dingo numbers in the wild are declining as man encroaches deeper and deeper into wilderness areas, often accompanied by his domestic dog.

The dingo is different from the modern dog in several ways: it does not bark; it has a different gait and always erecting ears[Q2]. Dingoes are naturally lean, and they are usually cream to reddish-yellow with white points, some are black with tan points. An adult dingo stands more than 60cm high and weighs about 15kg. It is slightly smaller than a German Shepherd.
In its natural state, the dingo lives either alone or in a small group, unlike many other wild dog species which may form packs [Q3]. Dingoes have a clearly defined territory which they rarely leave and which they protect from other dingoes, but which may be shared with dingoes when they form a group to hunt larger prey. The size of the home territory varies according to the food supply [Q4]. Dingoes hunt mainly at night. Groups are controlled by dominant male. Members of a group maintain contact by marking rocks and trees within the territory, and by howling, particularly in the breeding season [Q5].

The dingo’s diet consists of native mammals, including kangaroos, although domestic animals and some farm stock are also on the menu. This makes the animal unpopular with farmers. The dingo is thought to have contributed to the mainland extinction of the Thylacine (Tasmanian tiger) through increased competition for food [Q6].

The dingo is an intelligent animal. It is no more dangerous to man than any other feral dog. The natural prey of the dingo is small mammals and ground-dwelling birds, but with the introduction of white settlement, they became such a menace to sheep, calves and poultry that measures had to be taken in an attempt to control them, such as dog-proof fences [Q7].

Dingoes start breeding when they reach the age of one or two but only the dominant members within an established group breed. They breed only once a year. Mating usually occurs in autumn/early winter, and after a gestation of nine weeks (same as domestic dogs), a litter averaging 4-5 pups is born, which are reared in a hollow log, a rock-shelter, or an old rabbit warren. Both parents take part in raising the pups. The pups are fully grown at seven months of age. A dingo may live for up to ten years.

Wild dingoes are wary of humans and do not attack unless provoked. They will approach camps in the bush looking for food or perhaps out of curiosity. Dingoes can be kept as pets but should be obtained at a very young age to enable them to bond with humans [Q8]. Even when raised from pups they never seem to lose their instinct for killing poultry or small animals. Not all states in Australia allow dingoes to be kept as pets and a permit is required. The export of dingoes is illegal.


1. What factor decides where the dingo can live in a desert? => locate “desert”
=> SYNONYMS: decides = determine (yếu tố nào giúp dingos sống trên sa mạc) => dễ locate vì thường không có danh từ synonym cho “deserts”
[Q1] In deserts, access to drinking water determines where the animal can live.
=> ANSWER: drinking water // access to water
2. Which physical characteristic distinguishes a dingo from a domesticated dog? => locate dogs in houses
=> SYNONYMS: a domesticated dog = the modern dog
the modern dog in several ways: it does not bark, it has a different gait and always erecting ears [Q2].
physical characteristic => đặc điểm bề ngoài (không chọn các đặc điểm khác)
=> ANSWER: erecting ears // always erecting ears
3. What term refers to a group of wild dogs? => locate “wild dogs” = dogs living in wild habitats
=> Trong bài dùng “wild dog species” => dễ locate
=> ANSWER: packs
In its natural state, the dingo lives either alone or in a small group, unlike many other wild dog species which may form packs [Q3].
4. What determines the vastness of the area occupied by the dingoes?
=> SYNONYMS: vastness of the area = size of the home territory [chữ vastness & size đều nói về diện tích] // determines = according to
The size of the home territory varies according to the food supply [Q4].
=> ANSWER: food supply
5. Which landscape features are used by the group to remain connected? => locate “landscape”
=> SYNONYMS: maintain contact by = remain connected // landscape features (những hình thái cảnh quan)
Members of a group maintain contact by marking rocks and trees within the territory, and by howling, particularly in the breeding season [Q5].
=> ANSWER: rocks and trees [không bỏ chữ “marking” vào thì maximum 03 words]
6. What animal might have been wiped out due to the dingo? => locate some names of animals, look for some NAMES
=> SYNONYMS: be wiped out = the mainland extinction of // due to = contributed to
The dingo is thought to have contributed to the mainland extinction of the Thylacine (Tasmanian tigers) through increased competition for food [Q6].
=> ANSWER: the Thylacine // Tasmanian tigers
7. What has been made to protect the livestock from the dingoes? => locate “livestock” = chicken//ducks
=> SYNONYMS: the livestock = sheep, calves and poultry (gia súc gia cầm) // protect = an attempt to control // a menace to (mối nguy hại)
they became such a menace to sheep, calves and poultry that measures had to be taken in an attempt to control them, such as dog-proof fences [Q7].
=> ANSWER: dog-proof fences [measures là biện pháp, trong đề hỏi “what has been made” nghĩa là cái gì được xây lên]
8. What is the role of the dingo in humans’ lives?
=> Đây là câu hỏi khó vì trong question không có synonyms mà mình phải tự hiểu. Với câu này là “vai trò” – roles với humans => cần kiếm đoạn văn nói về tương tác giữa dingo và humans để locate.
=> Riêng câu Q8 nằm ở đoạn văn cách xa đoạn chứa Q7 1 đoạn không thông tin cần => Câu hỏi khó!
Dingoes can be kept as pets but should be obtained at a very young age to enable them to bond with humans [Q8].
=> ANSWER: pets


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