Word Choice trong IELTS Writing là gì và cách khắc phục khi viết
Lựa chọn từ (Word Choice) trong văn bản là cách sử dụng ngôn ngữ chính xác và hiệu quả để truyền đạt thông tin và khai sáng cho người đọc.
Khi chọn từ cần chú ý những từ hay bị nhầm lẫn nhất (affect >< effect) và chú ý cách dùng thành ngữ cho đúng. Vì vậy, những vấn đề với việc lựa chọn từ là gì, và có cách nào để hạn chế việc sử dụng sai những từ này không?

Word Choice trong IELTS Writing là gì và cách khắc phục khi viết
I. Các vấn đề khi bạn lựa chọn sai từ (Bad Word Choice)
1. Người đọc khó hiểu
♦️ Bad word choice đôi khi làm thay đổi toàn bộ nghĩa của câu:
- Strawberries and cream compliment => complement each other perfectly.
- She complained that her husband never paid him any complements => compliments anymore.
2. Thay đổi tông giọng của bài viết
♦️ Bad word choice ảnh hưởng đến âm điệu cả bài viết:
- It was an overcast day => theo một cách thực tế
- It was a gray day => khắc hoạ hình ảnh theo một cách ẩn dụ
3. Khiến câu bị thừa từ
- Every Wednesday at 10 in the morning, we have our midweek
10 a.m.meeting - I can’t believe I won a
4. Cách diễn đạt vô nghĩa (đặc biệt khi dịch Việt – Anh)
- There are two main reasons for the increasing obesity rate among children nowadays. Firstly, I think the diet is not scientific because they make friends with fast food. [not make sense because of bad word choice] => Firstly, many children’s diet is unhealthy and imbalanced because they tend to consume a large amount of fast food.
- The first is the issue of school violence. Schools and the government educate children about the consequences of violence. Schools educate children on a regular basis when they come to school, protect victims of violence and take remedial measures for it. [no make sense & repetitive] => One solution is for schools and the government to frequently educate children about the consequences of violent actions as well as ways to protect themselves from attacks and inform parents about violent cases.
II. Làm sao để chọn Word Choice phù hợp với cách diễn đạt hiệu quả và chính xác?
Word choice cần phải:
- Cụ thể và chính xác
- Có sự đồng cảm với người dọc bài
- Phù hợp với văn bản đang viết
- Phù hợp với văn phong và âm điệu của bài văn.
Ví dụ: Với mỗi word choice khác nhau sẽ phù hợp với mỗi hoàn cảnh nói/viết khác nhau:
- All people should have received an email about spring break protocols.
- All college students should have received an email about spring break protocols.
(Một nhóm người cụ thể)
- I dislike tomato soup.
- I hate tomato soup.
(hate là một từ mạnh mẽ hơn dislike, khẳng định rằng tôi không thích tomato soup.)
- I often use the dictionary to look up new words.
The investment strategy is utilized by experienced multinationals.
(utilize mang nghĩa tận dụng một cách hiệu quả hơn từ use)
III. 5 phương pháp để cải thiện cách lựa chọn từ (Word Choice)
Step 1 – dùng dictionary & thesaurus để học từ vựng và cách sử dụng
Hầu hết các từ điển đều cung cấp thông tin sau:
- Spelling
- Pronunciation
- Part of speech
- Definition
- Synonyms
- Collocations (ozdic.com)
Bạn cần học đủ đủ cách sử dụng – synonyms – collocations đi kèm khi học một từ vựng.
Ví dụ: DUTY trong OZDIC.COM
- put on, slap on
They are going to put a duty on foreign cars.
- cut, lower, reduce | pay | avoid, evade
They claim that the wine is for personal use and so evade the duty.
- be liable to
Perfume is liable to import duty.
- be exempt from
Beer for personal use is exempt from duty.
- carry out, discharge, do, perform
She was unable to carry out her duties because she was too ill.
- neglect, shirk
He was accused of neglecting his professional duties.
- resume, return to
He leaves the hospital tomorrow and is expected to resume his duties at the beginning of next month.
- be released from
Her son was released from duty in the army to visit her in the hospital.
- under a/the
You are under a statutory duty to keep accurate records
- to/towards
They have a duty to their parents to work hard.
Step 2 – Chọn đúng từ vựng với sắc thái nghĩa (Connotations) trong câu định viết.
Skinny & Lean – ốm, gầy
Nhưng sắc thái lại khác nhau, vì:
+ Skinny:
- Denotation: Lacking sufficient flesh, very thin.
- Word used in a sentence: Skinny jeans have become very fashionable in the past couple of years.
- Connotation: (Positive) Based on cultural and personal impressions of what it means to be skinny, the reader may have positive connotations of the word skinny.
+ Lean:
- Denotation: Lacking or deficient in the flesh; containing little or no fat.
- The word used in a sentence: My brother has a lean figure, whereas I have a more muscular build.
- Connotation: (Neutral) In this sentence, lean has a neutral connotation. It does not call to mind an overly skinny person like the word scrawny, nor does imply the positive cultural impressions of the word skinny. It is merely a neutral descriptive word.
Step 3 – Tránh sử dụng Slang & Cliches (tiếng lóng)
- Bad word choice: Whenever my brother and I get into an argument, he always says something that makes my blood boil.
- Good word choice: Whenever my brother and I get into an argument, he always says something that makes me really angry = really annoys me.
- Bad word choice: She is writing a memoir in which she will air her family’s dirty laundry.
- Good word choice: She is writing a memoir in which she will reveal her family’s private and covered information.
- Bad word choice: The bottom line is that Greg was fired because he missed too many days of work.
- Good word choice: The final result is that Greg was fired because he missed too many days of work.
Step 4 – Đọc trước khi viết để có nguồn từ hiệu quả, nói KHÔNG với word-by word từ Việt – Anh.
Idea: lợi ích của việc học online là có thể học ở mọi nơi, rất tiện lợi.
Bài đọc: Accessibility Of Time And Place
Another advantage of online education is that it allows students to attend classes from any location of their choice. It also allows schools to reach out to a more extensive network of students, instead of being restricted by geographical boundaries. Additionally, online lectures can be recorded, archived, and shared for future reference. This allows students to access the learning material at a time of their comfort.
Step 5 – Học vocab và collocations hay để viết
One important benefit of online learning is that it can enable students to join classes from any location of their choice without having to go to school. Such a practice can remove geographical barriers, giving students in remote areas chances to pursue quality education.
Since online lessons can be recorded, stored, and shared for further reference, students can access their learning materials and documents anytime. In this way, online learning seems more convenient for students.
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