Useful Guidance On All Types Of IELTS Writing Questions – 10 Dạng Câu Hỏi Của IELTS Writing

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IPP IELTS: All Types Of IELTS Writing Questions: Toàn Bộ Những Dạng Câu Hỏi Của IELTS Writing




Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behavior. Others think that the host country should welcome cultural differences. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



  1. Polite
  2. Less danger

 VIEW 02: Locals accepting visitors’ customs

  1. Rights of visitors
  2. Promote tourism


There has been debate on how tourists should behave when they visit a new country. While some argue visitors should follow local customs and etiquette, others believe the host country should welcome foreign cultures with an open mindset. This essay will discuss both views before my own perspective is given on the matter.

On the one hand, some claim that visitors should follow a host country’s customs. The main reason is that this shows respect and promotes understanding between the locals and foreign tourists. Foreign tourists’ failures to acclimate themselves into the new cultural environments could prompt the locals to think that they are inconsiderate and discourteous and display less welcoming gestures when interacting with foreign visitors. In addition, resisting following local customs might result in several dangerous situations. For instance, when traveling to countries where local people drive on the left, it is a must for foreign tourists to follow in order not to crash into other vehicles and drive in a safe manner.

On the other hand, according to many, local people should embrace other cultures. [IDEA 01] The main reason for this is that ………………………. by arguing that all cultures are equally valuable with no one being superior to another.  In this way, the host country has no right to …………………………………………………… [IDEA 02] Besides that, the host country’s friendliness in allowing their visitors to freely behave can present a sign of hospitality which can allow the country to attract more international tourists and promote their tourism industry. For instance, [think about countries that fail to appeal to tourists due to their strict cultures].

In conclusion, both arguments have their merits. On balance, however, I tend to believe that the host country should give their foreign visitors a heart-warming welcome as it is at times difficult for first-time foreign tourists to change and adapt to new lifestyles, whereas accepting differences seems significantly more effortless for the hosts who are already in the comfort of their own country.


  1. 2 đoạn body pars dài bằng nhau // Par 01 mà 02 ideas thì par 02 cũng vậy.
  2. Cần phải viết đến hết conclusion. Chưa kịp viết conclusion thì chưa đưa ra personal opinion => TA & CC Band < 6.0.
  3. Neutral tone cho 2 body paragraphs



Some people think that we live in a society where money and possessions are given too much importance. Others believe that this is improving our lives.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Some people argue that consumerism causes people to place excessive importance on materials goods and wealth, while others think that a consumerist culture is beneficial for improving people’s standard of living. This essay discusses both sides of this argument before I give my own perspective.

On the other hand, ………..[cần viết TS]. The negative aspect of a consumerist culture is that it causes people to consider wealth as the most important factor making them happy. Therefore, people might spend too much time on earning money and spare very little time with their families and friends, increasing their vulnerability to mental issues, namely depression. In addition to this, due to a stronger desire to own more possessions, the traditional values such as frugality might be lost in our current consumer society. This might cause a throw-away culture and overconsumption problems. As a consequence, the depletion of natural resources and excessive disposal of waste might lead to environmental consequences, namely pollution and resource depletion, all of which would devastate people’s lives.

On the other hand, ……….. [cần viết TS]. The most significant benefit of a consumerist culture is that it generates wealth for a country. The taxes paid for goods can increase the revenue for the whole society. Afterward, the government can reinvest such revenue into education and healthcare to benefit its citizens. Furthermore, the jobs created for manufacturing, advertising, and retailing products can offer more employment opportunities for the local residents and reduce poverty, which is also an advantage for the welfare of a country.

To conclude, both arguments have their merits. Although consumerism can provide several economic benefits to a country, I am inclined to believe that the consequences of a greedy, materialistic society would far eclipse such advantages. This is because this unsustainable and wasteful consumption tendency would hurt individuals’ well-being and leave our future generations with fewer resources and more serious pollution problems.



The Internet has transformed the way information is shared and consumed, but it has also created problems that did not exist before. What are the most serious problems associated with the Internet? What are the best ways to solve them?

 PARAGRAPH 01 – PROBLEMS: increasing crime rates // …..

PARAGRAPH 02 – stricter government control // …..


[introduce the topic] The Internet is one of the most outstanding innovations in our digital age. [context – the topic] Although the Internet has the potential to make human lives simple and convenient, it also creates issues. This essay discusses the Internet’s two primary problems facing Internet users and proposes feasible measures. [không bỏ “I” vào // không cần nêu ra để reduce wordcount // giảm the need to paraphrase]

 A boom in the use of the Internet has led to concerning issues for individual users. One worth-mentioning issue is the lack of security for personal information. For instance, due to the lack of security measures, online banking transactions and other online services often make private information vulnerable to theft. In fact, there have been millions of cyber-crime cases which include online frauds, identity theft, and financial losses, which would cause great damage to victims. [idea 02] Another worrying problem with the Internet is ………… ………………………………………………………………………….

However, there are solutions to alleviate the aforementioned problems. To address cybercrime, rigorous government regulations on a global scale are needed, meaning that law enforcement agencies around the world should cooperate to track down and apprehend criminals who operate across multiple borders. Besides that, dealing with …………. requires …………..

In conclusion, the main issues caused by people’s increasing use of the Internet are related to [AA] and [BB]. To address such issues, [CC] and [DD] are encouraged to participate in ………. By addressing these issues, people can harness the Internet’s unlimited potential and steer clear of its adverse impacts.


  1. 2 đoạn body pars dài bằng nhau // Par 01 mà 02 ideas thì par 02 cũng vậy.
  2. Cần summarize main ideas trong conclusion để maximize TA & CC
  3. Neutral tone cho 2 body paragraphs // Trong Thesis statement & conclusion không bỏ “I” vào nếu đề không hỏi “Do you….?” “To what extent do you ….”                                              



Some museums and art galleries charge admission fees, while others have free entry. Do you think the advantages of charging admission fees outweigh the disadvantages?


PARAGRAPH 01 – ADVANTAGE 01: maintaining costs & ADVANTAGE 02: fund expansion

PARAGRAPH 02 – DISADVANTAGE: unaffordable for the underprivileged to visit these places



[the topic] With the increasing popularity of museums and art galleries, some advocate that entries to these places should come with fees. [thesis statement – đưa ra personal opinion] Personally, I am inclined to the view that the merits of charging entrance fees can eclipse the drawbacks.

[THESIS STATEMENT 01 – BENEFIT 01] One important benefit of imposing a fee is that major museums and art galleries can cover their tremendous building and maintenance costs. Undoubtedly, with revenues from a reasonable entry fee, these places can afford the cost incurred from their daily operation activities such as utility bills, repairing costs, renovation, and staff costs without having to depend on government funding. 

[THESIS STATEMENT 02 – BENEFIT 02] Another plus point is that entrance fees can allow these places to expand by providing new exhibitions, frequently upgrading their collections, and organizing more activities to attract more visitors. In this way, funding sources from entrance fees are vital for these places to constantly improve visitor experience and quality of service, creating better museums and galleries for the public. This explains why most famous museums around the world, including XXX and XXX usually charge high entrance fees. 

[THESIS STATEMENT 03 – 01 DOWNSIDE] However, the major drawback to charging admission fees is that such a scheme may reduce visitor numbers since such fees might be unaffordable for disadvantaged groups who would be prevented from visiting these places. Considering the cultural experiences and profound knowledge that these places can provide, depriving these groups of chances to access these places seems an unjustified action.

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that the benefits of charging an entry fee to museums and art galleries, in terms of [AA] and [BB] prevail over the downsides. [mention lại về hướng mình không ủng hộ như an exception] However, it is recommended that concessions to special groups such as children and people with disabilities should be provided since such a measure can ensure a fairer scheme encouraging visitors to pay a visit.


  1. Với dạng bài này, vì đề hỏi “Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?” nghĩa là hỏi personal opinion nên viết theo dạng 3 body paragraphs.
  2. Cần summarize main ideas trong conclusion để maximize TA & CC
  3. Với dạng câu hỏi “What are the advatanges and advantages?” chỉ cần LISTING ra được 2 đoạn chứ không cần mention khía cạnh nào nặng ký hơn. Thesis statement: This essay discusses the benefits and drawbacks associated with [AA]. // Conclusion: In conclusion, the benefits of [AA] include [XX] and [YY]; however, downsides in terms of [CC[ and [DD] are also worrying. [suggestion] Therefore, ….





A country becomes more interesting and develops more quickly when its population includes a mixture of nationalities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some argue that a nation which gathers people from various countries and cultures can benefit from its multi-cultural nature with more chances to become fascinating and grow at a faster pace. I completely agree with this opinion and explain my point on view based on the following reasons.

[mỗi paragraph là 1 main idea] The main reason why a mixture of individuals from various nationalities can represent an advantage for a country is because a culturally and ethnically diverse country can offer diverse cultural values which are formed by different lifestyles reflecting different ethnic origins. More specifically, in a multi-cultural society, people can get exposed and enjoy a wide range of unique traditions and customs which are exciting and add spice to life. For instance, in countries like Singapore and Malaysian, there is a plethora of styles of cuisine and festivals hosted by various ethnic groups, making lives there more colorful and vivid.

[mỗi paragraph là 1 main idea] Moreover, I believe that economic progress in such counties can be significantly quicker due to the diversity of their workforce. The reason for this is that people from different nationalities and cultures have different strengths which can be harnessed in the workplace. For instance, Europeans tend to have high levels of creativity and artistic flair, while Asians are believed to showcase outstanding skills in match science. Therefore, companies can draw on these respective strengths of the population to optimize their production and procedure and thrive, contributing to the country’s overall prosperity.

In conclusion, I am convinced that a combination of immigrants from various nationalities and with different traditions can provide advantages for a country by creating a more interesting society and a diverse workforce. Therefore, it is advisable for countries to embrace such cultural diversity for their socio-economic progress. 



Many people say that cooking and eating at home is better for the individual and the family than eating out in restaurants. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people believe that eating home-cooked food is more beneficial for people in general and also for families. [thesis statement] I partially agree with this due to its health benefits and cost efficiency [summarize main ideas].

The main reason why I agree is that cooking and eating at home can give people control over the ingredients they use to make the food. People can ensure they use fresh and healthy ingredients, such as organic ones, to maintain a better diet and prevent their intake of harmful substances such as remaining pesticides and preservatives. As well as this, they can avoid consuming the additives that are often added to restaurant food to enhance its flavor, namely monosodium glutamate.

Additionally, it is generally less expensive to opt for home-cooked meals as restaurants usually charge more for the coverage of their expenses such as staff wages as well as for signatory dishes and the ambience provided. Such savings are of great benefit to family budgets as families can significantly reduce their expenses by eating at home.

On the other hand, restaurant meals can be an option to bring good family bonding experience. While dining out, families can enjoy the ambience and good food, without any family member having to go through the entire cooking and cleaning process. Furthermore, due to our busy lives, it can sometimes be helpful and convenient for individuals to enjoy a quick lunch at a canteen on working days to save considerable time and effort in preparing meals beforehand.

In conclusion, I somewhat agree that eating at home is a better option because of the associated health benefits for individuals and reduced expenses for families. [đưa ra ý kiến ngược với mình] However, occasional meals at restaurants can enable an individual and a family to take a break and socialize.


  1. Nếu muốn viết “somewhat agree/disagree”, chúng ta cần viết 3 đoạn đều nhau như sample này.
  2. Cần summarize main ideas trong conclusion để maximize TA & CC.
  3. Có 3 level to agree & disagree
  1. 100% = 2 reasons support cho hẳn 1 phía
  2. ~70% = somewhat agree (2 lí do agree và 1 lí do disagree) hoặc ngược lại.
  3. 50% = agree/disagree to the same extent (được khuyên hạn chế viết)

Vấn đề của “strongly agree/disagree” là không có đủ supporting ideas cho 1 đoạn – 1 reason (100 chữ). Phải dạy học viên cách cho example / cách đào sâu với furthermore/moreover. [đưa thêm các câu như “context”] Cấu trúc 1 đoạn body ông này viết theo cấu trúc PEEL (Point-Explain-Example-Link/Analyze the example) với “Link” là một dạng concluding sentence linked back to the topic i. Mình đang bị dạy thiếu phần này nên giờ sẽ cần phải đưa thêm vào.

To write a TEEL paragraph, you’ll need to include a Topic sentence, an Explanation, an Example, or Evidence to support the topic, and a Linking sentence to put it all in context.”



Some people say it is more important to plant trees in the open spaces in towns and cities than to build more housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Given the deteriorated environment in urban areas, some opine that unoccupied space in such places should be allocated to tree planting rather than constructing accommodation. I somewhat agree with the viewpoint based on the urgency to add more green spaces to major cities; however, planting more housing should be beneficial to some extent. [vừa summarize main points đã nói vừa có cụm “however”] 

[THESIS STATEMENT 01 – REASON 01] One main reason for my belief is that more emphasis placed on planting trees rather than houses in metropolitan cities can enhance public wellbeing in the long run. Given an unprecedented rise in respiratory diseases aggravated by air pollution in urban areas, green trees can serve as a cost-effective air purifier, collecting nano dust and concurrently providing oxygen essential for human survival. 

[THESIS STATEMENT 02 – REASON 02] Another point to support my emphasis on allocating unoccupied spaces to trees lies in the importance of creating a sense of balance for urban dwellers. Indeed, owing to the excessive construction of skyscrapers and residential areas catering to a rising population, urban sprawl worldwide has turned cities into concrete jungles, provoking feelings of suffocation among city-dwellers. Therefore, more investments into planting trees in such areas can create a more spacious green environment, which proves itself beneficial to urban inhabitants’ mental wellbeing. 

[THESIS STATEMENT 03 – THE OPPOSITE VIEW] However, the construction of more houses can address issues related to overpopulation in large cities. Indeed, constant migration from rural regions to major cities in search of jobs is undoubtedly placing unbearable strains on urban housing, leading to a rise in homelessness, slums, and housing shortage. Addressing such housing conditions should be one feasible way to improve the living standards of the underprivileged in major cities. 

In conclusion, I mostly agree with the opinion that planting trees should be prioritized over house constructions in major cities given its positive impacts on city dwellers’ physical and mental health. [dẫn 1 câu về the opposite view] Nevertheless, regarding the acute shortage of housing for the underprivileged in those places, a certain amount of urban land should be utilized to address this issue to help those in need. 



Some people become famous when they are at a young age. Is this a positive or negative development?

 Với dạng bài “Is this a positive or negative development?” rất khó để viết half-half khi nói “Tôi nghĩ xu hướng này nửa tốt nửa xấu”. Với dạng bài này, chúng ta nên viết strong opinon essay để bài viết “clear position” & “clear progrression” nhất. 


With a boom in social media, there are more opportunities for young generations to rise to fame at an extremely young age. I believe that the probability of rising to fame in early years should be considered a desirable tendency.

One positive outcome of gaining fame at a young age is that children can be financially independent. Through their contracts with brands, young celebrities can earn a decent living to afford their personal purchases and support their family. This is especially beneficial to those from disadvantaged backgrounds who are barely able to make ends meet. To illustrate, early stardom of Britney Spears at the age of 16 enabled her and her family escape from poverty to enjoy a more decent life.

Another benefit associated with early fame is a strong sense of motivation for them to constantly hone their talent and skills to reach mastery in their later stages of life. In fact, such young experienced and well-trained usually have a head start over their peers as well as more chances to produce better products in their adulthood to contribute to their fields. Disney teenage stars, including Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, can serve as examples of this tendency as their early fame serves as a stepping stone for them to later succedd in creating excellent hits through chances to collaborate with capable producers and brand their image.

In conclusion, I am convinced that financial benefits and promising opportunities for a more successful future can make fame at a young age a positive tendency. This is particularly true for fields such as sports and showbiz in which an early start can give individuals a critical advantage over others to thrive.


Bạn cần phải có cụm “data separation” trong bài viết của mình để maximize TA & CC.


WT1 – TOPIC: The table below shows the percentage of main types of dwelling in Victoria, the Northern Territory, and Tasmania.

Victoria The Northern Territory Tasmania
2001 2006 2001 2006 2001 2006
House 81.1% 83.5% 67.6% 79.1% 88.4% 77.8%
Duplex/Semi-detached house 9.2% 7% 16.4% 12.4% 3.9% 14.4%
Flat/Department 8.7% 9.3% 13.6% 7.9% 6.7% 6.9%
Others 1% 0.2% 2.4% 0.6% 1% 0.9%


The table compares the proportion of dwellers who resided in three types of accommodation in three Australian states from 2001 to 2006. Overall, houses were by far the most popular type of accommodation in the given three regions over the period, although their popularity declined in Tasmania. Duplex, semi-detached houses togeher with flats, departments remained significantly less popular.

Regarding houses, which were the most popular, in 2001, Tasmania ranked first in the chart, at 88.4%, exceeding the figures for Victoria and the Northern Territory, at 81.1% and 67.6% respectively. However, five years later, whilst the former showed a substantial decline to 88.4%, there was a growth in the other two regions, reaching highs of 83.5% and 79.1% respectively, helping Victoria to overtake Tasmania in 2006.

Turning to duplexes and flats, in 2001, the Northern Territory boasted the highest share of residents, at 16.4% and 13.6% respectively before these figures then declined to only 12.4% for duplex houses and 7.9% for flats. Meanwhile, there was a marginal disparity in the proportion of duplex and flat dwellers in Victoria, hovering around roughly 7% to 9% in both years. In Tasmania, the percentage of those living in duplexes more than tripled to 14.4% in 2006, while the figure for flat residents minimally increased by 0.2% to 6.9% in 2006. 

With reference to other types of accommodation, those choosing this group constituted the lowest proportion in all given states, at below 2.5% in both years. Specifically, the figures declined dramatically in the Northern Territory and Victoria, from 2.4% and 1% in 2001 to 0.6% and 0.2% respectively.


The graph below shows the percentage of Australian exports to four countries from 1990 to 2012. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

(Overview) Overall, while Australia cut down on its exports to Japan and the US, there was an upward trend in the figures for China and India, with the former increasing much more significantly than the latter, making China the largest export market of Australia in 2012.

(Body paragraph 01 – Japan (lớn nhất in 1990) & The US) REGARDING COUNTRIES WHICH AUSTRALIA REDUCED ITS EXPORTS TO, in 1990, exports of Australia to Japan……………………….………………………. Likewise, from 1990 to 2000, Australia exported ………………..……………………..……………………… the US ………………………………………………..……..

(Body paragraph 02 – China & India) WITH REFERENCE TO EXPORT MARKETS THAT DECREASED, the percentage of Australian exports to China …………. ……………………………………………………… Exports to India observe………….….. ………………………………………………………………………………


The graphs below provide information on global population figures and figures for urban populations in different world regions published in 2020. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


[S01 – overview hình 01] Overall, it is evident that a dramatic rise was registered in the global population, which is predicted to follow a contrasting pattern over the last 60 years. [S02 – overview hình 02] In addition, the number of urban dwellers in developing nations grew and is expected to continue rising, while the figure for developed ones remained unchanged and is forecasted to continue this trend until 2040.


Regarding the line graph, = Regarding the world demographic growth,

With reference to the bar chart, = With reference to the distribution of urban population,


Bạn cần phải có cụm “data separation” trong bài viết của mình để maximize TA & CC.


The chart below shows the average class size in primary and secondary schools in six different countries in 2006, compared with the world average class size. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

(Overview) Overall, it is clear from the chart that South Korea had the largest class size in both primary and secondary schools, which was significantly higher than the average figure of the world. Unlike the world pattern, the UK and Denmark were the only two countries where an average secondary class had more students than a primary one.

(Body paragraph 01) On a global average, in 2006, a ……………………………….. ………………………… Mexico nearly reflected the global average, with …………………. ………………………………………………….

 (Body paragraph 02) South Korea and Japan had the largest class size, ……………. ………………………………………………….. The UK recorded significantly lower figures, …………………………………………………………………………….

(Body paragraph 03) WITH REFERENCE TO COUNTRIES WITH FEWER STUDENTS PER CLASS THAN THE WORLD AVERAGE, Denmark and Iceland …….. ……………………………………………………


WT1 – TOPIC: The graph below shows the quantities of goods transported in the UK between 1974 and 2002 by four different modes of transport. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.


The line graph provides information about how cargo was conveyed by four types of transportation, in the United Kingdom, between 1974 and 2002. Overall, goods sent by all forms of delivery increased except for railways, which fluctuated.

Road transport was used to move the most cargo. In 1974, roughly 75 million tons was transported, and it gradually increased to about 80 million tons over the next 20 years. It dramatically increased to over 90 by 1998, before finishing at just below 100 million tons by 2002. Road transport remained as the most common method to carry cargo, starting at roughly 75 million tons in 1974. It then underwent a gradual rise to about 80 million tons over the next 20 years, followed by a more substantial growth to over 90 million tons in 1998. The figure then reached a high of just under 100 million tons in 2002.
Goods conveyed by water and rail were about 40 million tons, for each in 1974. After 1978, freight by ships surpassed rail reaching roughly 58 million tons by 1982 before reaching a plateau until 1994. During the same period, rail freight decreased to approximately 25 million tons. By 2002, the tonnage transported by boat increased to 60 million and by railways rose to just over 40 million. The same amount of goods was conveyed by water and rail, at about 40 million tons each in 1974. While freight by ships surpassed rail reaching roughly 58 million tons by 1982 and remained relatively stable until 1994, fluctuations with a downward trend were seen in rail cargo to around 25 million tons in 1994. After that, increases were seen in both figures to more than 60 million for the former and about 40 million tons for the latter in 2002.
Pipeline was the least used method of transport. In 1974, the volume was only about 7 million, and this increased to about 22 million by 1994. During the next ten years, the amount remained constant. Pipeline remained as the least used method to transport cargo throughout the period, carrying around 6 million tons in 1974. Its freight volume increased steadily to around 22 million by 1994, before a plateau until 2002.



Starting at around 6 million tons in 1974, freight volume transported through pipeline || increased steadily to around 22 million by 1994. The figure then remained unchanged until 2002, making it the least used means of transport throughout the period.



The diagram shows the production of a pencil. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

OVERVIEW: Overall, the process is comprised of twelve steps divided into two main phases of planting trees for wood and making final pencils from such wooden material. 

Cách đếm số steps trong hình: có bao nhiêu hình là bấy nhiêu steps.


With reference to the stages of growing wood,

Regarding the stages of pencil production, 

 Có 2 cách viết Overview trong process – tùy bài linh hoạt:

  1. Group thành stage/phase và ghi ra các main phase là gì.
  2. Nhắc đến material/end product và các machines involved.



The diagram shows the production of a pot. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

 OVERVIEW: Overall, the process involves 12 steps, beginning with the extraction of raw materials and ending with the production of final pot products. 

Regarding the initial six stages,

Turning to the remaining steps, 

SUMMARY OPTION [steps, machinery, ingredients]



You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The maps below show an industrial area in the town of Norbiton, and planned future development of the site. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Norbiton industrial area now

Planned future development

Write at least 150 words.


The maps illustrate the proposed urbanization of the current industrialized part of a town called Norbiton. Overall, the area is expected to undergo significant changes with the addition of housing areas and amenities, which will transform it from an industrial town into a developed residential area. 

 The present landscape of this industrialized area of Norbiton is simple with a river running from west to east, bisecting the town and a farmland area in the north. Factories can be accessed via the main road in the south, which leads to a roundabout in the center, and an arterial road to the east, where most of them are located.

In the future, the infrastructure of this industrialized part of Norbiton will be vastly improved. Another roundabout is proposed to be erected on the main road towards the town center, with shops on the left-hand side and a medical centre on the right. Major changes to the eastern part of Norbiton will involve the replacement of factories with more houses along the arterial road as well as the erection a new playground and a school at the road’s end. The area is also planned to be expanded to the north, with three housing areas along a newly added side road in the north-western area and another one across a bridge proposed to be constructed in the north, at the expense of the present farmland.

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