Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted – IETLS Speaking Part 2&3

Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted  là chủ đề nằm trong chuỗi chủ đề miêu tả địa điểm Describe a place trong IELTS Speaking Part 2&3 khá quen thuộc và dễ dàng bắt gặp trong kỳ thi. Để trả lời tốt chủ đề này, các bạn cần nắm rõ các từ vựng tả địa điểm, cách phát triển ý tưởng sâu rộng và chính xác. Trong bài viết này, IPPEDU sẽ cung cấp cho các bạn bài mẫu, vocabulary, và chiến thuật trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3 cho chủ đề Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted.

Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted

1. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample & Ideas: Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted

TOPIC: Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted

You should say: 

  • where the place is 
  • when you visited this place 
  • why the air was not good

and explain explain how you felt about the place.


[intro] Let me tell you about a place I visited called [insert the name of the place, ex: New Delhi] 

[when] I traveled there during the winter season a couple of years ago //  When I arrived …, I immediately noticed that the air quality was quite poor // The city is notorious for its severe air pollution => I experienced it firsthand

[why] The air pollution in New Delhi was particularly evident due to a combination of factors // high population density and heavy traffic => vehicular emissions // factories release pollutants into the air => industrial pollution // the burning of agricultural residues in nearby regions exacerbates the pollution problem

[your feelings]  Being in a place with such polluted air was quite unsettling // The smog was thick => a constant haze hanging over the city // The air had a distinct smell of pollutants =>  difficult to take a deep breath without feeling the impact on my lungs // many locals wore masks to protect themselves from the pollution 

[final thoughts] It was disheartening to witness the adverse effects of air pollution on the residents’ health // the polluted air in New Delhi made me realize the importance of clean and breathable air // a stark reminder of the environmental challenges we face => the need for effective measures to tackle air pollution.


2. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Vocabulary Highlights: Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted 

  • the city is notorious: thành phố mang tiếng xấu
  • high population density: mật độ dân số cao
  • vehicular emissions: khí thải từ phương tiện giao thông
  • the burning of agricultural residues: đốt cháy các mảnh vụn nông nghiệp
  • nearby regions exacerbates the pollution problem: khu vực lân cận làm trầm trọng thêm vấn đề ô nhiễm.
  • a constant haze: màn sương mù không ngừng
  • disheartening to witness: thật thất vọng khi chứng kiến
  • a stark reminder: lời nhắc nhở mạnh mẽ

Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted

3. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions: Pollution & The environment

Chủ đề Pollution & The environment trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 yêu cầu bạn phát triển ý kiến của mình và giải thích một cách rõ ràng. Hãy mở đầu bằng việc giới thiệu (lead-in), sau đó chia sẻ quan điểm cá nhân và tiếp theo là giải thích và đưa ra lý do (explanation). Bằng cách phát triển câu trả lời và giải thích một cách rõ ràng, bạn sẽ tự tin trình bày và ghi điểm cao trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 với chủ đề Pollution & The environment.

Part 3 – Pollution & The environment

  1. Is there more pollution now than in the past? 
  2. In what ways can air pollution be reduced effectively? 
  3. Why should the government be involved in environmental protection?
  4. What can individuals do to protect the environment? 
  5. What can factories and power plants do to reduce pollutants? 
  6. Do you think companies have been forced to reduce pollutants?
  7. Do you think the wind has any effect on pollution? How?


4. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample & Ideas: Pollution & The environment


1. Is there more pollution now than in the past?

[lead-in] It is evident that pollution has become a pressing concern in recent times. 

[explain] The rapid industrialization, increased vehicular emissions, and growing population have contributed to a noticeable rise in pollution levels. [extend] the extensive use of fossil fuels and the improper disposal of waste have compounded the issue => more pollution than in the past

  • become a pressing concern: trở thành vấn đề cấp bách
  • the rapid industrialization: công nghiệp hóa nhanh chóng
  • the improper disposal of waste: việc xử lý rác thải không đúng cách

2. In what ways can air pollution be reduced effectively?

[lead-in] I think that to effectively reduce air pollution, concerted efforts are required at various levels. 

[explain]  Firstly, transitioning to cleaner and renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, can significantly curb air pollution // promoting sustainable transportation should also help in reducing the air pollution levels 

=> [methods] push the use of public transport // adopting electric vehicles // The government can also implement strict emission standards for industries and encouraging the adopt green technologies to cope with environmental pollution

  • curb air pollution: giảm ô nhiễm không khí
  • implement strict emission standards: thiết lập tiêu chuẩn khí thải nghiêm ngặt
  • cope with something: đối phó với

3. Why should the government be involved in environmental protection?

[lead-in] The government plays a pivotal role in environmental protection due to its authority, resources, and ability to implement policies and regulations

[explain] Individuals alone cannot solve all environmental issues, such as pollution and climate change, => these problems require collective efforts 

=> The government should side with the public in alleviating pollution // government’s involvement is crucial in setting and enforcing environmental standards // promoting sustainable practices // investing in clean technologies // the authority can raise awareness, allocate funds for research and development, and facilitate international cooperation to tackle environmental challenges effectively.

  • plays a pivotal role: đóng vai trò then chốt
  • ability to implement policies and regulations: khả năng thực thi chính sách và quy định
  • require collective efforts: đòi hỏi những nỗ lực tập thể
  • alleviate pollution: giảm ô nhiễm
  • facilitate international cooperation: tạo điều kiện cho hợp tác quốc tế

4. What can individuals do to protect the environment?

[lead-in] Individuals have a major role to play in protecting the environment, and it’s not rocket science

[reasons] Firstly, we can make a great impact by making sustainable lifestyle choices //  conserving energy and water //  reducing waste, and recycling // using public transportation // carpooling // cycling

We can also support environmental protection programs by volunteering, buying local and sustainable products, planting trees, and participating in community clean-up initiatives

  • it’s not rocket science: việc gì đó không hề phức tạp, rất dễ hiểu, dễ làm
  • carpooling: là hoạt động mà một nhóm người đi chung một phương tiện giao thông (thường là xe ô tô)

5. What can factories and power plants do to reduce pollutants?

[lead-in] Factories and power plants have a responsibility to minimize their environmental impact. They can implement various measures to reduce pollutants effectively. 

[methods] Factories can employ advanced emission control technologies, such as scrubbers and filters, to help capture and remove harmful pollutants before they are released into the atmosphere //  Invest in cleaner production processes // optimizing energy efficiency // using renewable energy sources // Regular maintenance of equipment and proper waste management are essential for factories and power plants to reduce pollutants.

  • power plants: Nhà máy điện
  • scrubbers and filters: thiết bị kiểm soát ô nhiễm không khí và máy lọc

6. Do you think companies have been forced to reduce pollutants?

[lead-in] In recent years, there has been increasing pressure on companies to reduce pollutants and adopt more environmentally friendly practices. 

[explain] Public awareness about the detrimental effects of pollution has prompted businesses to employ more sustainable and socially responsible business practices // governments and regulatory bodies have implemented stricter environmental regulations

[examples] penalties and fines for non-compliance => force companies to be more environmentally responsible // The need to maintain a positive brand image and meet consumer expectations => companies prioritize pollution reduction and invest in cleaner technologies

  • regulatory bodies: cơ quan quản lý
  • penalties and fines for non-compliance: hình phạt và tiền phạt cho việc vi phạm quy định

7. Do you think the wind has any effect on pollution? How?

[lead-in] Yes, wind plays a significant role in the dispersion of pollutants

[explain]  Wind can carry pollutants over long distances // spread beyond the original source of emission // It can disperse pollutants all over the place => reducing local concentrations => very beneficial especially in the cities >< However, depending on wind patterns, it can also transport pollutants from one area to another => potentially causing pollution in previously unaffected regions. 

[conclude]  Understanding wind patterns and their influence on pollution is essential for effective pollution control and addressing cross-boundary pollution issues.

  • the dispersion of pollutants: sự phân tán các chất ô nhiễm
  • address cross-boundary pollution issues: giải quyết các vấn đề ô nhiễm vượt biên


Trên đây là Sample & Vocabulary về chủ đề Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted thuộc phần IELTS Speaking. Hi vọng rằng, những hướng dẫn và kiến thức mà IPPEDU đã chia sẻ sẽ giúp bạn nâng cao kỹ năng và tự tin hơn khi tham gia phần thi IELTS Speaking. Đừng quên thường xuyên ghé thăm IPPEdu và tham khảo tài liệu, kinh nghiệm từ những giáo viên với IELTS 8.0+, để có những chiến thuật học tập hiệu quả nhất. Hy vọng rằng, thông qua việc học tập và luyện tập chăm chỉ, bạn sẽ đạt được số điểm mà mình mong muốn trong kỳ thi IELTS sắp tới!

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