10 Dạng Đề IELTS Writing Cần Biết – Dạng 1: Trend Charts – Useful Writing Task 1 Guidance

Trong bài viết này, IPP sẽ hướng dẫn chiến thuật viết bài dạng Trend Charts để đạt band điểm cao trong IELTS Writing.

1. Nhận biết dạng bài Trend Charts

Các bài Trend Charts là bài có nhiều mốc thời gian (nhiều tháng, nhiều năm) và các đối tượng trong bài có sự tăng/giảm theo thời gian.


grow to

climb to

rise to

soar to

surge to

rocket to


drop to

fall to

plummet to

sank to


Nhẹ: slightly=insignificantly= negligibly= marginally

Đáng kể: substantially=noticeably= remarkably=significantly=dramatically

Đi ngang: remained steady at [XX] = remained unchanged at [XX]

Tăng gấp X lần: grow fivefold

Verbs: witness=experience=see=undergo + a(n) + adjective + noun

Nhẹ: slight=insignificant= negligible=marginal

Đáng kể: substantial=noticeable= remarkable=significant=dramatic

Tăng gấp X lần: witness a fivefold rise

Các câu để viết Trend Sentences:

  • Exported car numbers || rose significantly from 20.000 cars in 2000 to a higher of 50.000 in 2010 and dropped slightly to 40.000 cars in 2020.
  • The number of exported cars || rose significantly from 20.000 cars in 2000 to a higher of 50.000 in 2010, followed by a slight drop to 40.000 cars in 2020.
  • Car exports || witnessed a significant rise from 20.000 cars in 2000 to a higher of 50.000 in 2010, before declining to 40.000 cars in 2020.

Có 2 dạng bài Trend Charts chính:

  • Trend – Type 01: bài có nhiều mốc thời gian & có khoảng 3-6 đối tượng => Bạn cần viết miêu tả Trend & Comparison giữa các đối tượng với nhau, tất cả đối tượng đều phải xuất hiện, nhưng bạn có thể chọn ít data lại để bài không quá dài
  • Trend – Type 02: bài chỉ có 2 mốc thời gian & có khoảng 6-8 đối tượng => Vì chỉ có 2 năm nên việc tả trend không phức tạp, với dạng bài này, bạn cần tập trung so sánh nhiều hơn

 2. Các dạng bài Trend Charts


TOPIC: The chart shows the proportion of people in a UK survey carried out in three different years who said they were interested in certain sports. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

IELTS Writing Task 1 - Trend Charts Type 1


The bar chart compares the percentage of respondents, according to a survey conducted in the UK, expressing their interest in six different sports in 1995, 2000 and 2005. Overall, football was by far the most popular in all three years, as opposed to golf which experienced far less popularity. While the percentages of those keen on football, swimming and rugby increased slightly over the given ten years, the figures for snooker, tennis and golf saw drops of varying degrees.

In terms of sports which became more common, as opposed to all of the other sports, football was the only one that failed to decline in popularity at any point, rising steadily from 41% to 45% over the ten-year period. The proportion of swimmers experienced a seven-percent rise to around 28% in 2000, followed by a negligible drop to about 26% in 2005 when the same percentage of those playing rugby was recorded, despite a previous drop to around 18% in 2000.

Regarding sports whose popularity declined, snooker ranked second in 2000, at 30%, but latter came fourth in the chart, due to a significant decline to about 23% in 2005. Similarly, nearly 30% of respondents said they played tennis in the first surveyed year; however, their participation rate dropped to 22% in both 2000 and 2005. Golf || remained the least played in the given years, with the figure hovering around 15% and 16%.


TOPIC: The two charts below show the proportion of qualified graduates in a particular country. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

IELTS Writing Tas 1 - Trend Charts Type 2



  • Bachelor’s degree: 25% // the second largest in 1980 // plummet to 11% in 2008
  • Master’s degrees: slight rise from 12% in 1980 to 13% in 2008
  • PhD programs: bottom of the rankings chart // increase from 2% in 1980 to 7% in 2008


  • PhD candidates: 13% in 1980 // remarkable upsurge to 30% in 2008 // rank first
  • Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees: unchanged during the period // at 19% and 29% respectively


The pie charts compare the distribution of graduate students who earned first, master’s, and PhD degrees in arts and science academic fields between 1980 and 2008. In this country, the percentage of Science graduates exceeded that of Arts graduates, with a significant increase in from 1980 to 2008. Another noticeable change was a rising tendency for students to pursue a PHD in both fields.

Regarding Arts graduates, 25% of total graduates obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Arts, making it the second largest proportion in 1980, followed by a plummet to 11% in 2008. By contrast, the percentage of recipients of Master’s degrees in Arts experienced a slight rise from 12% in 1980 to 13% in 2008. Similarly, Arts PhD programs remained at the bottom of the rankings chart, despite an increase from 2% in 1980 to 7% in 2008.

In terms of students complete their Science degrees, PhD candidates accounted for 13% of the total in 1980, followed by a remarkable upsurge to 30% in 2008 when the figure ranked first in the chart. Meanwhile, the percentages of obtainers of Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees both remained unchanged during the period, standing at 19% and 29% in both years, respectively.

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