10 Dạng Đề IELTS Writing Cần Biết – Dạng 5: Process Reports –  Useful Writing Task 1 Guidance

Trong bài viết này, IPP sẽ hướng dẫn chiến thuật viết bài dạng Process Reports để đạt band điểm cao trong IELTS Writing.

1. Những điều cần lưu ý khi gặp dạng bài Process Reports

Với các bài process reports, điều quan trọng nhất là hiểu steps trong process trong hình và có vocabulary để describe steps đó một cách chính xác và có nghĩa trong tiếng Anh.

Các bạn cần chú ý các điểm Grammar sau khi viết các câu trong một bài proces:

  • Câu ghép, câu phức (Before // Once // After S/V, S/V.)
  • Câu danh từ hoá (the next step involves // the process commences with + NOUN)
  • Dùng relative clause, time connectors (subsequently, next, following this, finally, lastly)
  • Chia đoạn có data separation

2. Writing Sample dạng Process Reports


TOPIC: The diagram below shows how instant noodles are manufactured. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


IELTS Writing Task 1 - Dạng Process Reports 1


(Introduction) The diagram illustrates the process of manufacturing instant noodles on an automatic production line. (Overview) Overall, the process is comprised of eight main steps, beginning with flour being processed and cooked to create edible discs and ending with the packaging of the final noodle cups.

(Body paragraph 01) In terms of the first six steps, initially, flour delivered by truck is unloaded into and stored in silos, before entering a mixer where water and oil are added. Subsequently, the mixture is placed on a conveyor belt to be rolled several times to form thin dough sheets, which are then cut into dough strips and rolled to form separate noodles discs.

(Body paragraph 02) Regarding the remaining four steps, once the discs are cooked with oil and dried, they are packed into cups with vegetables and spices added inside. The final step involves labelling and sealing the cups to complete the packaging process, before the outcome of final noodle cups are ready for sale and distribution to consumers.


TOPIC: The diagram below shows the process used to produce olive oil from olives. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

IELTS Writing Task 1 - Dạng Process Reports 2


(Introduction) The diagram illustrates steps in the process of generating olive oil from fresh olives. (Overview) Overall, there are seven main stages in the whole process, through which olives are collected, washed, crushed, pressed, and packaged into bottles for sale.

(Body paragraph 01) In terms of the first four steps in the process, the first step involves hand-picking ripe olives from the tree with the help of a pole.  The collected olives are then rinsed with cold water until clean and carried on a conveyor belt to a mashing machine, where they are crushed to break apart the olive flesh and remove the stones, enabling the release of oil from the vacuoles. Subsequently, mashed olives are poured into a can to be mixed into a paste, which is then put into bags.

(Body paragraph 02) Regarding the remaining steps, these bags are piled up in a pressing machine to compress the olive paste into liquid, which percolates through holes in the bags. The liquid mixture of water and oil undergoes a decantation process to be separated by gravity using a rotating machine. Finally, water is removed, and the extracted oil is packed into bottles as final olive oil products for storage or retail.

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