10 Dạng Đề IELTS Writing Cần Biết – Dạng 10: Positive And Negative Essays – Useful Writing Task 2 Guidance

Trong bài viết này, IPP sẽ hướng dẫn chiến thuật viết bài dạng Positive And Negative Essays để đạt band điểm cao trong IELTS Writing.

IELTS Writing Task 2 - Positive And Negative Essays

1. Những điều cần lưu ý khi gặp dạng bài Positive And Negative Essays

Với dạng bài positive or negative development, IPP thường hướng dẫn HV viết theo hình thức hoàn tốt hoặc hoàn toàn xấu, sẽ không có xu hướng nào “nửa tốt nửa xấu”. 

  • CHIA ĐOẠN THEO KHÍA CẠNH: economic // social // cultural // transport // traditional // educational // entertainment // financial // mental wellbeing // physical health // environmental // skill // intellectual // technological aspects

THESIS STATEMENT: I believe that [AA] should be a completely beneficial tendency due to two main benefits.


THESIS STATEMENT: I personally argue that [AA] is a detrimental trend due to two consequences for [CC] and [DD].

02 benefits

BODY PARAGRAPH 01: One reason for my view is that [AA] can lead to […] benefits.


BODY PARAGRAPH 02: Another plus point is related to ….

CONCLUSION: In conclusion, I believe that [AA] should be a mostly positive trend due to [XX and YY] implications. (tóm gọn lại 02 benefits đã nói trong bài) 

02 consequences

BODY PARAGRAPH 01: One reason for my view is that [AA] can lead to […] consequences.


BODY PARAGRAPH 02: Another unwanted implication is related to ….

CONCLUSION: In conclusion, I believe that [AA] should be a largely disadvantageous trend due to [XX and YY] impacts. (tóm gọn lại 02 consequences đã nói trong bài) 

  • CHIA ĐOẠN THEO LEVELS: tác động tốt><xấu lên cá nhân, tổ chức, và xã hội

THESIS STATEMENT: I believe that [AA] should be a completely beneficial tendency due to two main benefits for individuals and society.


THESIS STATEMENT: I personally argue that [AA] is a detrimental trend due to two consequences for [CC] and [DD].

02 benefits

BODY PARAGRAPH 01: On an individual scale, [AA] can help people…. (lợi ích cho cá nhân)


BODY PARAGRAPH 02: On an larger scale, [AA] can benefit society by….. (lợi ích cho xã hội)


CONCLUSION: In conclusion, I believe that [AA] should be a mostly positive trend due to [XX and YY] for people and the community as a whole. (tóm gọn lại 02 benefits đã nói trong bài) 

02 consequences

BODY PARAGRAPH 01: On an individual scale, [AA] can cause people to ….. (bất lợi cho cá nhân)


BODY PARAGRAPH 02: On an larger scale, [AA] might lead to unwanted….. impacts (bất lợi cho xã hội)


CONCLUSION: In conclusion, I believe that [AA] should be a mostly positive trend due to [XX and YY] for people and the community as a whole. (tóm gọn lại 02 benefits đã nói trong bài)

2. Writing Sample dạng Positive And Negative Essays


TOPIC: Some children nowadays take sports seriously while others play sports in their free time. Is it a positive or negative development?

Topic này tương đối trừu tượng, bạn cần xác định chính xác xu hướng được nói trong bài:

Trend: Some children nowadays take sports seriously while others play sports in their free time. => nghĩa là most children now play sports at various levels => dù chơi thể thao ít hay chơi nghiêm túc thì xu hướng chính yếu là trẻ em ngày nay đều có chơi thể thao. Vậy thì sự phổ biến của việc trẻ em chơi thể thao sẽ đem lại lợi ích về mặt physical health (sức khoẻ) & mental wellbeing (tinh thần) cho trẻ. 

Bẫy lớn nhất trong đề này chính là đề có đưa ra 02 nhóm trẻ em: serious sports players & occasional players => bạn cần so sánh lợi ích 02 nhóm này có được để làm bật lên luận điểm là chơi thể thao dù ít hay nhiều, dù nghiêm túc hay giải trí, cũng có lợi cho trẻ em. Nếu bạn không nghĩ ra, không khai thái được khía cạnh này, chắc chắn điểm sẽ bị ảnh hưởng nhiều.


Playing sports for both professional and leisure purposes has become an integral part of children’s lives in recent years. I believe that children’s growing tendency to play sports, regardless of their serious or casual participation=engagement level, would be a completely beneficial trend.

One important benefit is related to the physical health implications of this trend. When playing any type of sport seriously, the young have to stick to a strict schedule of practice, which could enhance their muscular flexibility and maximize their physical growht in the long run. This is the case for many young professional basketball players who can grow significantly taller than their peers. Similarly, casual players can benefit from their sports engagement, though at a lower level. Even occasional sports playing would still be enough for them to burn their excess calories to maintain a fit body as well as blow off some steam, thus leading to their adoption of a healthier lifestyle.

Another benefit for engaging in sports is related to the mental wellbeing of nearly all young sports players. For casual players, taking part in sports provides them with a break from their daily routines and opportunities to frequently interact with peers, which can help them to

encourage social interaction. In this way, these physical activities can release endorphins, enabling young children to reduce stress, anxiety, boosting their mood, and bringing them enjoyment. For those who take sports seriously, since they have to face many challenges and competition in sports, it is necessary to invest enormous efforts and time in training to improve their skills and performance. This sense of discipline and serious practice can allow them to win in sports matches and competitions, thus giving them a unique sense of pride and life fulfilment.

In conclusion, children’s engagement in sports activities at any level should be a beneficial hobby based on the immense benefits in terms of physical and mental wellbeing. It is advisable for parents to encourage their children to play sports as much as possible.


TOPIC: In some major cities, the government has tried to reduce traffic. For instance, they impose a congestion tax during rush hours. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?


Traffic congestion has become a major problem in several crowded cities, with many suggesting the application of taxes during rush hours. I believe that this approach should be completely detrimental for both individuals and society.

 On an individual scale, it would do more harms than good if the traffic congestion were about to be levied on. To be specific, assuming that there will be the successful application of taxes during rush hours, it is likely that more accidents would occur because drivers are prone to high speed to avoid getting stuck and being taxed during the inevitable rush hours. Similarly, some driver would change their routes to smaller roads with no taxing schemes in order to avoid pay money, thus leading to even more serious congestion on these streets. As a consequence, it seems that the taxing policy would engender new types of traffic problems, which might go against its intention to reduce traffic jam on city roads.

On a larger scale, taxes on traffic congestion can have a detrimental impact on society in general. Since there is a majority of residents having low income, if the government implemented such a compulsory policy, it would put a financial strain on deprived residents while affluent individuals will be not greatly affected. Such a practice could perpetuate the gap between the rich and the poor as impoverished individuals tend to struggle with new unnecessary stresses compared to wealthy individuals, thus provoking conflict against the government. This growing public anger is believed to not only backfire on the original aim of this measure but also affect social stability in the long run.

In conclusion, I personally believe that the policy of imposing congestion taxes can affect negatively residents and society as a whole because of the unchanged volume of vehicles and growing social inequality. It is highly recommended that the government encourage city dwellers to use public transport in order to not only ease of the traffic flow but also deter environmental degradation.


TOPIC: Celebrities are the role models of young people today. Is this development good or bad for children?


In the current media-driven era, the general public is increasingly exposed to the presence of celebrities, giving rise to controversies revolving around their influence on individuals’ behavior, especially the young. From a personal perspective, I would contend that famous people nowadays can act as positive examples for youngsters to follow due to two main benefits given in the essay.

 One reason is that genuine influencers can provide strong motivation for the young to strive for enhanced quality of life through emphasis on self-love. With the surging popularity of such social media platforms as TikTok or Instagram, several KOLs are reaching their young followers by promoting wholesome lifestyle, self-pride and body positivity, which can orient them to lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives. A compelling example of this can be seen in the case of Haily Bieber, a wealthy American celebrity who extols physical training, self-care and a well-balanced diet, thereby stimulating youth to pay closer attention to their physical and mental well-being.

Another justification for this rising trend lies in several figures’ ability to inspire the youth to pursue their ambitions with a strong sense of diligence and determination. Indeed, it stands to reason that well-known actors, musicians or sports stars become tremendously successful and affluent idols via hard work and perseverance to foster their capabilities, hence incentivizing youngsters to obtain success through real talents and resolution. Take Elon Musk, the founder of multi-billion corporations namely Tesla and SpaceX, for example. Notwithstanding his colossal wealth and global fame, Elon Musk’s current prosperity boils down to his attempt to finance his own tertiary education through a combination of scholarships, loans, and working two jobs alongside study.

In conclusion, in view of the aforementioned arguments, celebrities can serve as ideal role models for healthy lifestyle advocacy and effort-driven success. Therefore, I am convinced that the young should carefully select the examples of such personalities for a more promising future.

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