10 Dạng Đề IELTS Writing Cần Biết – Dạng 4: Map Reports –  Useful Writing Task 1 Guidance

Trong bài viết này, IPP sẽ hướng dẫn chiến thuật viết bài dạng Map Reports để đạt band điểm cao trong IELTS Writing.

1. Nhận biết dạng bài Map Reports

Có 02 dạng Map Reports chính:

  • Outdoor maps – maps tả thay đổi đến một vùng rộng lớn (village, city, town, area) => bạn dùng các từ tả directions như west//east//south//north
  • Indoor maps – maps tả những thay đổi diễn ra ở một toà nhà nhỏ (building, office, house, gallery, places, store) => bạn dùng các từ tả directions như left // right // center // top // bottom

Cách viết hai bài này không khác nhau nhiều, nhưng bạn đều cần viết câu có đủ các thông tin: sự thay đổi (expansion >< diminishing // removal >< construction // relocation // replacement) và vị trí của đối tượng thay đổi.

2. Writing Sample dạng Map Reports


TOPIC: The plans below show a student room for two people and a student room for one person at an Australian university. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparison where relevant.

IELTS Writing Task 1 - Dạng Map Reports 1


1. Overview: [so sánh giữa hai loại phòng chung chung] phòng đôi thì rộng và có nhiều facilities hơn phòng đơn và giá thuê theo tuần thì cao hơn

2. Body par 01: so sánh về giá và size

3. Body par 02: so sánh về furniture và tiện ích


  • the layout of two separate student rooms (cách bày trí của hai loại phòng)
  • offer facilities (cung cấp trang thiết bị)
  • tenant (ngươi thuê)
  • weekly rental of [something]
  • cost a total of XX dollars per week/weekly, meaning each student, has to pay XX dollars for one-week rent
  • have the same width of XX meters (có độ rộng như nhau)
  • be XX meters longer than [something]
  • be offered a private space equipped with [something]
  • be separated by [something]


The diagrams illustrate the layout of two separate student rooms at a university in Australia: one designed for one person and the other for two people. Overall, it is obvious that the double room is much larger, offers more facilities, and comes with a higher rental price than than the single one.

In terms of the two types of rooms’ rental costs and sizes, the two-person room costs a total of 350 dollars per week, meaning each student, has to pay 175 dollars for one-week rent. Meanwhile, the single room costs 200 dollars weekly. As regards room capacity, while both have the same width of 6 meters, the room for two students is 1.5 meters longer than its counterpart (4 meters compared with 2.5 meters).

Regarding the provided facilities, both types of rooms have a bathroom to the top left corner, beside the entrance, and a small kitchen area opposite the bathroom, featuring a sink, a stove, a microwave, and a television hung on the wall. While the double room has one table, two chairs and two cupboards, there is none in the single one. Each tenant is offered a private space equipped with one bed and a study desk, which is separated by the cupboard in the room for two students.


TOPIC: The plans show a city in 1950 and 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

IELTS Writing Task 1 - Dạng Map Reports 2


1. Introduction: the urbanization process of a city

2. Overview:

  • major developments regarding transport infrastructure, commercial areas, and governmental offices
  • to accommodate population growth

3. Body paragraph 01:

  • a business district in the heart of the city / governmental offices located much further to the south
  • be connected in all four directions by two major roads / a bridge crossing the river to the south of the city / an airport situated to the east

4. Body paragraph 02:

  • the installation of a dam to the south-east → flooded the river banks → form a major lake → divide the city into two parts
  • [something] exploded in all directions / stretch as far as [something] / centered around [something] / serve a 10 times larger population size / improved road access


The maps illustrate the urbanization process of a city over the course of 50 years, starting from 1950. Overall, major developments regarding transport infrastructure, commercial areas, and governmental offices took place to accommodate population growth.

Regarding the city planning in 1950, with a population of 20,000 people, the city was comprised of a business district in its heart and a surrounding residential area with governmental offices located much further to the south. The city was connected in all four directions by two major roads running through the city centre, with a bridge crossing the river to the south of the city and an airport situated to the east.

In terms of changes until 2000, the installation of a dam to the south-east had flooded the banks of the river to form a major lake dividing the city into two parts. While the housing area exploded in all directions, stretching as far as the dam area to serve a 10 times larger population size of 200,000 residents, the expansion of the commercial district centered around the two major roads. Road access in the southern and eastern residential areas was improved with the addition of a second major road running from west to east and connected with the north via a second bridge to the south-east of the business district. Another development involved the erection of the second much larger government building to the south of the original unchanged one in the business area.

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