10 Dạng Đề IELTS Writing Cần Biết – Dạng 7: Discuss Both Views –  Useful Writing Task 2 Guidance

Trong bài viết này, IPP sẽ hướng dẫn chiến thuật viết bài dạng Discuss Both Views để đạt band điểm cao trong IELTS Writing.

1. Những điều cần lưu ý khi gặp dạng bài Discuss Both Views

Với dạng bài 02 views, bạn sẽ cần 02 body paragraphs mỗi body paragraph sẽ chứng minh cho 1 view, và personal opinion sẽ đưa ra trong câu conclusion cuối cùng. Lưu ý, vì tính chất quan trọng của việc đưa ra personal view, bạn bắt buộc phải viết xong conclusion của bài. Nếu chưa hoàn tất, bạn sẽ có nguy cơ bị trừ chỉ còn 5.0 for Task Achievement.

  • Introduction: S01 – nêu ra vấn đề của topic; S02 – paraphrase hai views trong đề; S03 – câu thesis statement (đề nào cũng dùng): This essay analyzes both sides of the argument before my personal perspective is provided.
  • Body par 01: lập luận chứng minh cho view 01
  • Body par 02: lập luận chứng minh cho view 02
  • Conclusion:

=> THIÊNG VỀ ½ CÂU: In conclusion, despite reasonable justifications for both views, I am more convinced that … (thiêng về ½ views) because ….. Therefore, …. (viết 02 câu) 

=> ĐỒNG Ý CẢ 02: In conclusion, I personally argure for a combination of both [AA] and [BB] because …… Therefore, …. (viết 02 câu) 

IELTS Writing Task 1 - Discuss Both Views

2. Writing Sample dạng Discuss Both Views


TOPIC: Some people argue that spending a lot of money on wedding parties, birthday parties and other celebrations is a waste of money; however, others believe that it is important for individuals and for society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  • BODY PAR 01 – VIEW 01: spending on events and celebrations is important

=> nghĩ về lợi ích khi người ta invest in and organize enormous & impressive event, celebrations

  • BODY PAR 01 – VIEW 02: a waste of money to spend too much on events and celebrations

=> phân tích vì sao investing large amounts of money thì rất lãng phí, nên brainstorm dựa trên đặc điểm của events & celebrations (cần nhiều plastic decorations, one-off events, rất mắc tiền, hậu quả tài chính khi vung tay quá trán)


It is assumed by many that the celebration of such events as wedding or birthday parties equates to squandering money, whereas others argue that this activity is of significance to both individuals and society. The following essay will elaborate on both viewpoints before stating my personal opinion on this contentious matter.

On the one hand, the belief that it is a waste of money to spend on celebrating is legitimate to a certain extent. Firstly, the celebration of family occasions namely birthdays, weddings or anniversaries is only conducted within short spans of time, specifically several hours. Hence, rather than lavishing money on these evanescent events, it would be more advisable to invest in more pragmatic aspects such as utility, saving or children’s education. Secondly, the act of celebrating familial events in an extravagant manner could also stimulate the materialistic lifestyle. Driven by the desire to flaunt their wealth and social status, some individuals distribute a hefty amount of financial resources to celebrations, which could further aggravate the money-oriented mindset among others.

On the other hand, it is also justifiable to claim that the act of celebrating can exert beneficial influence on both individual and societal scale. Indeed, since weddings, birthdays or births of a child are special occasions, acknowledging the importance of one’s memorable life events, it is a genuine demand to celebrate them joyfully. This would not only serve as a commemoration of a family’s milestone but also greatly enhance their mental well-being and satisfaction. In addition, such celebrations also create precious opportunities for family union, enabling family members to connect and communicate more intimately. Considering the fact that each family is a unit of society, strengthened familial rapport would certainly foster a sense of social bonding effectively.

On balance, proponents of both perspectives irrefutably have valid arguments for their convictions. Personally, I would contend that families should spend money on celebrations appropriately based on their individual demand and financial condition to optimally experience these memorable occasions.


TOPIC: Some people think that charity organizations should only offer help to people of their own country. However, others believe that these organizations should give aid to people in great need wherever they live. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Many people opine that charitable work should only be undertaken within one’s own nation, whereas others argue that needy individuals should be supported irrespective of their nationality or place of living. The following essay will elaborate on both perspectives before expressing my personal viewpoint on this contentious matter.

 On the one hand, the assumption that philanthropic organizations should only provide aid to civilians of their country is legitimate to a certain extent. To begin with, it stands to reason that for every domestic charitable institution, fellow citizens come in top priority. Since there still exist numerous individuals living in dire poverty and struggling to attain basic life sustenance, it would be more advisable to chiefly focus on destitute ones in their nation rather than offering support elsewhere. In addition, voluntary agencies primarily receive financial subsidies from such benefactors as local individuals, businesses and foundations, who would prioritize the improvement of their own citizens. Given this reliance on domestic sources, that these donations are used to help people of their country is understandable.

On the other hand, it is also justifiable to claim that charity work should not be confined within geographical boundaries. Indeed, charitable organizations with sufficient funding sources, specifically international ones, are entitled to support underprivileged individuals of any nationality. These agencies operate on a global scale and obtain financial backing from multiple governments, as exemplified in cases of UNICEF or the Red Cross, thereby having the responsibility of providing aid universally. Furthermore, there are certain circumstances in which domestic philanthropic resources would not suffice. This can particularly be observed in several situations namely national crises or natural catastrophes, which entail foreign donations so as to ensure adequate assistance for all people in need.

In conclusion, advocates of both opinions indisputably have valid arguments for their convictions. Personally, I would contend that charities, either on a large or small scale, should make concerted efforts to help disadvantaged people wherever they live, because goodwill has no borders.


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