10 Dạng Đề IELTS Writing Cần Biết – Dạng 2: Comparative Charts –  Useful Writing Task 1 Guidance

Trong bài viết này, IPP sẽ hướng dẫn chiến thuật viết bài dạng Comparative Charts để đạt band điểm cao trong IELTS Writing.

1. Nhận biết dạng bài Comparative Charts

Các bài Comparative Charts là bài chỉ có 1 mốc thời gian và có nhiều đối tượng, bạn chỉ cần so sánh giữa các đối tượng mà không tả tăng hay giảm.

Các cấu trúc câu so sánh:

  • So sánh nhất: AA rank first >< rank last; AA top the chart; AA lead the chart; AA is the most><least popular=prefered=used
  • So sánh hơn kém: AA is significantly><slightly higher><lower than BB; AA surpass=overtake BB; AA outnumber BB
  • So sánh gấp mấy lần: AA is double//quadruple//triple BB; AA was ten times BB
  • So sánh bằng: AA is equal to BB; AA and BB were comparable = were on par
  • So sánh dùng các cụm khác: While=Whereas S/V, S/V. // compared to + [noun] // as opposed to + [noun]

Các bạn cần linh hoạt áp dụng các cấu trúc câu vào trong bài essay của mình để đa dạng ngữ pháp nhất có thể.

  • Households with two cars || ranked first in the chart, at 60%, followed by those with one car, at 20%. [chỉ là “the largest proportion” // không phải “the majority”
  • The proportion of households with two cars || was significantly higher than the figure for those with one car, at 60% and 20% respectively.
  • The largest proportion of households || owned two cars, which was triple the figure for those with one car, at 60% and 20% respectively.
  • While households with two cars || accounted for the largest proportion of 60%, 20% of households || have only one car.
  • Households with two cars || accounted for the largest proportion of 60%, compared to = as opposed to 20% of those having only one car.

 2. Writing Sample dạng Comparative Charts


TOPIC: The table and chart below provide a breakdown of the total expenditure and the average amount spent by the students per week while studying abroad in four countries.

IELTS Writing Task 1 - Comparative Charts


The bar chart compares the distribution of weekly outlay on three life aspects of foreign students in four different nations. Overall, except for country D, living expenses constitute the highest proportion of expenditure in the other three countries. It is also evident that the living spending in nation D is the cheapest for international students.

Regarding countries A and D, students studying abroad in these two nations have to pay relatively similar accommodation costs, at $210/week on average. The disparity begins to widen when it comes to tuition fees, which charge students in country A $358 each week, far exceeding the figure for country D by over $100. The living expense in nation A is also by far the most expensive, at $430 per week, roughly double that in the other nation, at merely $225.

Turning to the remaining countries, the cost of accommodating in nation B ranks first in the chart with $280 every week, $40 higher compared to the amount students need to spend in nation C. Prices relating to tuition and living are even higher in country B, at $320 and $350 respectively, as opposed to comparatively stable expenses in the C counterpart, which only hover below the $300 threshold. 


TOPIC: The table below shows the percentage of employers in various sectors having difficulty in finding staff in 2003 and 2004. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Sectors Difficulty in finding skilled workers (%) Difficulty in finding unskilled workers (%) Difficulty in finding technical and managerial staff (%)
  2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004
Manufacturing 45 51 26 28 8 6
Building 42 45 21 23 14 10
Commerce 47 41 22 19 2 0
Services 41 45 20 29 5 2


The table depicts the proportion of companies experiencing recruitment difficulties in four major fields, broken down by three skill levels between 2003 and 2004. Overall, across all sectors except commerce, hiring struggles were intensifying for both unskilled and skilled workers, with the latter being the most elusive, while technical and managerial positions were the most effortless to fill.

In terms of recruiting trained workers, finding skilled workers proved the toughest challenge across all sectors in 2003, with difficulties reported by 41-47% of companies. While only the commerce sector saw a decline in the proportion of businesses facing difficulties from the highest level of 47% in 2003 to 41% in 2004, the figures for other sectors increased slightly by 3%-5%, with manufacturing companies being most likely to suffer, at 51% in 2004. Conversely, the recruitment of technical and managerial personnel was the least challenging, with a significant decline observed in the commerce sector from 2% in 2003 to 0% in 2004, whereas all other sectors maintained a difficulty level of less than 10% by 2004.

Regarding the untrained labor force, difficulty in recruitment increased in all sectors except for commerce, whose figure dropped by 3% to 19% in 2004. While manufacturing and building fields experienced a slight growth of 2% during the given period to 23% and 28% in 2004, services witnessed the most significant rise of 9% to end at 29% in the same year.

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